3: New Friendship

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Surprisingly, I got some good feedback on the last chapter. So...glad you like it! Sometimes I think I'm just super critical of my own writing.


I kind of caught cold, and I'm pretty congested. Yay. I thought that cold season was over! Apparently not. So yeah, that kind of sucks. On a brighter note, here's a new chapter! It'll hopefully get more interesting soon.

(Your POV)

I couldn't help but smile as Eren explained his plan to me while we ate breakfast together. He wanted to join the survey corps, which I already knew about, since he never shut up about it. I got so sick of him babbling about it sometimes, yet...it was different this time.

I could see the passion and determine in his eyes. After talking to him last week, I've viewed him in a different light. Now, he was more than just a hotheaded brat. He was a boy that was willing to do anything for his freedom.

He didn't change, but my view did.

"Why did you join the military?" Eren asked out of the blue.

I shrugged. "I dunno...I guess I just didn't have anything else to do with my life. My family didn't make it, remember? I...I don't have anyone else to live for. There wasn't a point going on, so if I was going to do something, why not this? I'd die whether I joined or not, but this way I could take some titans out with me. My life might be shorter, but at least I'd get to see my family sooner."

My face flushed pink when I realized that I had just spilled my heart out to him. It was just so easy to open up around him.

Eren was silent for a minute. When he spoke, his words were rushed and mumbled, so I didn't understand what he said.

"Huh?" I asked, looking up from my breakfast. To my surprise, he was blushing.

"I just said...you do have someone else to live for."

"Oh really?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Almost immediately, I put up my walls again. I hated being vulnerable. It's been a while since I slipped up, but Eren seemed to make letting my guard down easy. I needed to be cautious. "It's not like I have any friends."

"You have me, right?" He asked shyly.

Oh no, does he think I'm crushing on him now? I know he likes me, but the feeling just isn't mutual. We're friends, nothing more.

"Yeah, that's true. You are my friend." Don't get the wrong idea, Yeager! I thought fiercely.

He looked disappointed, but thankfully he didn't push it. That was good. I didn't want to ruin the only friendship I had.

"Hey, (Y/n)? Do you want to have lunch with Mikasa, Armin and I? You could join our group. That way you don't need to eat alone."

Wait, what?

I scowled, and looked away. Hopefully he can't see I'm thrilled at the idea. "That's fine, as long as Mikasa doesn't kill me. I swear she hates me."

"I doubt that," Eren said with a laughed.

I don't.

~ ~ ~

"Mikasa, cut it out! I'm just pushing the vegetables aside for right now, I'll eat them once I finished my potatoes! I can feed myself!" Eren complained when his adoptive sister tried to shove a spoonful of carrots into his mouth.

Armin and I exchanged amused glances.

"You need to stay healthy, or you won't be able to keep up with training," Mikasa said calmly. Her voice contrasted Eren's, who was currently shouting at her to stop treating him like a kid.

"Do they do this every meal?" I asked Armin.

He laughed awkwardly. "Yeah...pretty much."

"Doesn't it get annoying, though? If I were Eren I would've punched her by now." I grinned slyly when I saw Mikasa's dark eyes narrow.

"What did you say?" She asked, her voice holding a trace of a threat.

I'm not scared of you, I know you can't do anything to me here.

"Just stating the obvious," I answered.

She scowled at me. "I don't think it's any of your business how I take care of Eren! He's my friend, not yours. Why don't you keep your comments to yourself?"

"Sorry, that's not happening. You're irradiating me too much."

...and this is why I don't have any friends.

She glared at me. "I'd shut up if I were you."

"Don't make her mad," Armin whispered in my ear. It was sweet of him to be concerned, but I really didn't care. After my family was killed, I didn't care what anyone thought. Well, I did care if people thought I was weak or vulnerable, but if they thought I was mean? Whatever. I kind of was. The only one I actually cared about offending was Marco.

And, in case you didn't notice, Mikasa wasn't Marco.

"I can take care of myself, Armin. Excuse me, I'm going to take a shower before everyone else gets there." I walked away without picking up my tray.

~ ~ ~

(Marco's POV)

She was spending too much time with Eren. They were eating meals together, and they always trained together. I understood that he was her only friend, but still...it made me so jealous when I saw them talking. (Y/n) was too good for him.

I stood outside the shower room, listening to (Y/n)'s pretty voice as she sang above the sound of running water from her shower.

Thankfully, everyone else was still eating dinner. If someone saw me, they might get the wrong idea. I wasn't being a pervert, I just wanted to hear her sing.

Her voice was so beautiful. It was like velvet in my ears, and it entranced me, as if she had been blessed with the voice of an angel.

Once we're married, I'll be able to hear her voice every day. Speaking or singing, it's the most beautiful sound in the world. Wait, married? I've never even considered that before now.

It does sound tempting, though.

Sorry these updates are kind of slow. I'm working on like five other stories right now. I'm getting the hang of this story, though.

Also, I totally make the main character a tsundere on accident. Whoops!

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