1: Dinner Time

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When I was looking for pictures for this book, I told myself I wouldn't pick any sad ones...but literally all of the ones I found were sad.

This is going to be a hard on to get through, holy cow.

Let's see if I can hold in the tears. Also, this story takes place on a different timeline than the original story (well I guess they all did, but this one especially) since...well...I'm not going to kill your boyfriend. I'm kind of cruel, but not that cruel.

(Your POV)

Ever since day one, he had captured my attention. Marco was not only the sweetest guy here, but he was also the cutest. No one couldn't compete with his freckles, not even Eren, who was convinced that I liked him.


Unfortunately for me, Eren didn't understand what the word 'no' meant, so I was stuck with the irritating little brat following me around twenty-four seven. (No, I don't hate Eren, relax. It's just a part of the story.)

"(Y/n)," Eren said, jogging to catch up to me as I walked back from training. My forehead was covered in sweat. Today was so hot out, it was crazy.

"What?" I asked, trying to hold back a harsh response. I wasn't in the mood for him right now, or ever, honestly.

"Do you want to hang out with Armin and I during dinner?"

"What about Mikasa?" She hated me, since I spent so much time with Eren, even though that wasn't my fault. The only one in their little trio that I actually liked was Armin, since he was quiet and gave me my space. Plus, he didn't look at me like he wanted to murder me, so that was another thing that made him better than Mikasa.

"She doesn't want to eat with us when you're around."

"Sorry, but I'll need to pass." I wasn't sorry at all.

He pouted, but that didn't work on me.

He walked away, and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he was gone. I didn't want Marco to think I was taken or something.

I walked to the shower rooms, since I was covered in sweat and grime from training. I wanted to get there before everyone else, so I jogged, despite the fact that my legs were aching. I'm going to sleep well tonight, I thought to myself in bitter amusement.

Once I got there, I quickly stripped down to nothing and climbed into the shower, right before a large group of girls came in, all talking and laughing. For some reason, I didn't get along with them. I wasn't like everyone else. I guess you could call me antisocial, and while it isn't a lie, it's not like I hated them. I just...felt strongly about certain things, and tended to argue with those that didn't agree.

Since Jean was the same way, we constantly butted heads.

Hey, maybe that's why Eren likes me so much. We both have the same view when it comes to the titans: fight to the death and kill them all, no matter the cost. However, unlike Eren, I wasn't a hothead brat. I preferred to think things through before doing something stupid.

I rinsed the dust and leaves out of my (h/c) hair - wait, how did I get so many leaves in my hair, anyway? - before lathering it with shampoo.

I already felt better.

Once I finished, I got dressed, and went to dinner. The dinning hall was full, and everyone was talking. I did my best to ignore them as I got my meal and sat down at a table with some of the quieter cadets. Annie, Bertholdt (my baby <3), and Reiner. Okay, he wasn't really quiet, but he usually didn't talk directly to me, so that was fine. I could deal with that.

About halfway (okay I did warn you) through the meal, a fight broke out between Eren and Jean. It wasn't uncommon for the two to go at each others' throats, so I ignored them.

After a couple of minutes, Jean stormed out of the dinning hall, and I watched with mild interest. Marco watched his friend storm off, and I realized the seat next to him was open.

Without thinking, I grabbed what was left of my meal, and walked over to where the freckled boy was calling after Jean. "Hey...is the spot open?" I asked. He looked up at me, his sparkling brown eyes widening when he saw me.

Pink dusted his cheeks. "S-Sure!"

I sat down next to him, blushing as well. Our shoulders brushed, and it spent sparks through me. Even after almost three years, I still liked him just as much as when I first saw him. No, that's not true. I liked him more now. I smiled shyly to myself as I took a bite of my stew.

Why was it so warm in here?

~ ~ ~

(Marco's POV)

(Y/n) is sitting next to me. (Y/n) is sitting next to me.

I did my best to calm myself down, but I was bursting with excitement. I had liked her for over a year, and I felt all tingly whenever she was around. This was no exception. It was actually worse than usual, since our shoulders touched, and now I felt like I was on fire.

"Hey, Marco? Um...what was Jean freaking out about?"

Her voice sent shivers down my spine, and I swallowed down the food in my mouth before answering her. "I don't know, something Eren said." Luckily, I managed to talk without stuttering.

She nodded, and looked down at her meal. My eyes wandered over to her, and I silently admired how beautifully each feature of her face complemented one another. She was like a work of art. I was surprised that no one else seemed to notice how gorgeous she was.

With her (h/l) (h/c) hair and shy smile, as well as the way her laughed, she was like a drug to me.

"Excuse me," she said suddenly, snapping me out of my haze. She grabbed her now-empty bowl of stew and walked away, leaving me alone.

I watched her leave, a small smile dancing across my lips.

Ugh, this is terrible. They always start off a bit shaky, don't they? I don't know who's idea it was to make Marco a yandere *cough* it was me *cough* but it's super hard!

I'll get the hang of it eventually.

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