9: Tears

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Me while looking for pictures for this story: Don't get anything sad. *sees picture* perfect, let's pick this one! 

I'm so sorry for not updating anything yesterday! I just wasn't doing well emotionally, and I couldn't bring myself to write anything. I'm feeling better now, don't worry. I might update again tonight once I finish my art class, but I'm not going to make any promises. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: gore warning for this chapter (again).

(Your POV)

It was so hard to act normal after witnessing what had happened to Marco. He, however, seemed to be perfectly fine acting.

He didn't seem bothered by the fact that he had just murdered two people. The guilt of not saying anything was eating me alive, but I knew that if I dared to tell anyone, Marco would most likely kill me.

I didn't want to die. I was a coward, I'll admit it.

"You okay, (Y/n)? You don't look so well," Armin said, placing a hand on my forehead. "Is it because of Mikasa and Eren?"

Ever since their disappearance, Armin had been hanging out with me. He still believed that they were fine, and it's been so hard lying to him, but I didn't want to get him involved. Armin was now the only person that talked to me. What if Marco killed him? I couldn't tell him anything, not until Marco was no longer a threat.

I felt my stomach turn at the mention of Mikasa and Eren. My dinner threatened to escape, and I stood up, clapping my hand over my mouth. "I'm fine...excuse me." I ran out of the dinning hall, leaving him confused, and everyone else curious about the sudden commotion.

Once I was away from prying eyes, I coughed up my dinner, hot tears streaming down my face. The image of Mikasa's corpse flashed through my mind.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

It was Marco.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "If you're going to kill me, just get it over with already." I sat down, my legs unable to hold me any longer.

"I'd never kill the one I serve." He knelt down by my side, and brushed my hair from my face. His touch was surprisingly gentle. "I love you too much to hurt you. Don't you understand, Goddess? Can you not see why I'm doing this? I'm doing it for you."

He kissed me softly, taking me by surprise. His hands cupped my face, and he teased my lips with his tongue. I had never kissed a boy before, but this was nice. I felt myself kissing back, despite the way I was still shaking.

"(Y/n), are you oka-" There was a pause. "Oh, I didn't know you two were together."

Marco broke the kiss, and turned to face the boy that had interrupted my first kiss: Armin. I could see that the blonde was obviously blushing, even in the dim lighting. Poor innocent cinnamon roll.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," he said, backing away.

"Oh no, it's fine," Marco said with a smile. He looked so cute when he wasn't in his insane mode. I knew that this wasn't the real Marco, though. Behind those adorable freckles and big brown eyes, he was a killer. "In fact, I'm glad you interrupted us. I need to talk to you about something. You see, I was watching you two eat, and it looked like you said something that upset (Y/n). I just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to be mean to her."

Oh no, I thought, realizing what he planned to do. No, not Armin!

"Marco, he didn't say anything. He was just asking me a question. It's nothing."

"If it was nothing, then why were you cry?"

He didn't sound like the normal Marco any more. He sounded like the one that had killed Mikasa. He stood up, and pulled his knife from his pocket.

"He made you cry, (Y/n), just like Mikasa and Eren did. He'll meet the same fate as them. Armin, come here."

Armin had yet to see the knife, so he walked over, looking slightly confused. "What are you talking about? What happened to Mikasa and Eren?"

"MARCO STOP IT!" I screamed.

"This," Marco hissed, ignoring me. He plunged the knife into Armin's torso, and the blonde haired boy let out a startled cry of pain. Then he fell to the ground, limp as a doll. His shirt was now the same color as Mikasa's shirt had been: scarlet.

Armin's blue eyes were glassy, and started off into the distance, eerily empty. I felt my chest tightened, squeezing so hard I could barely breath, but I didn't cry. I was too upset to cry. All I could do was stare at his dead body.

"Why can't you just stop?"

"I'll kill everyone that hurts you!" Marco exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. His blood stained hands left marks on my jacket. He buried his nose in my hair, and inhaled deeply. "My Goddess...you will always be happy. I shall make sure of that."

"Than stop killing my friends!"

"What about people you aren't friends with?"

I pushed him away. "No! Don't kill anyone!"

He flinched, as if I had hurt him. He whimpered like a scolded puppy. "B-But...(Y/n)...I want to make you happy."

"Killing doesn't make me happy!"

He grabbed my wrist tightly, cutting off my protests with a glare. He began to walk away, pulling me with him as he headed towards the dorms.

I didn't fight him.

This might be the only way to make him stop. I'll just follow him, and do whatever he wants. Then, hopefully, I can make him stop. I glanced over my shoulder at Armin's lifeless body, his blonde hair covering his face, partially hiding the blank look in his eyes. I felt my heart give a painful ache.

I'm sorry, I couldn't stop him. I'm weak.

This is all my fault.

~ ~ ~

(Marco's POV)

She seemed different now that I had killed Armin. She seemed...sad. I didn't like that, not at all. So, I did the only thing I could think off.

I brought her to my dorm, and locked the door. We could stay in here, and no one would interrupt us. Then I tucked her into bed. She was in shock. She needed to sleep. (Nothing dirty happening in this chapter, sorry to disappoint you)

"Goodnight, my Goddess," I whispered. I snuggled up next to her, and she let out a whine. I felt her tense, but after a few minutes she gave in and fell asleep. I watched her for a little while, before closing my eyes and pulling her closer. Soon, I joined her in her slumber.

Poor coconut! I feel so guilty! I love Armin. It's okay...it's just a fanfiction, Author-Chan, get a hold of yourself!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though I rushed through it a bit.

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