6: Payment

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Gore warning for this chapter!

Also, I apologize for making Mikasa so ooc, but I couldn't think a way of making Marco kill unless he was antagonized to the point of breaking. So I'm sorry. Hopefully she still kind of acts like herself.

(Marco's POV)

His screams of agony filled the forest, startling the nearby bird. They flew away, shrieking nearly as loud as he was.

My knife was already dripping with blood, but I hadn't even begun to fulfill my desire to make Eren bleed. His arms were covered in cuts, ones I knew would leave scars. Mikasa was still thrashing against her restraints, tears streaming down her face.

"Stop, please!" She cried as I left a twelfth cut deep in his flesh, drawing even more blood. The crimson liquid was everywhere, staining both mine and Eren's clothes. Eren's sleeve was in tatters by now, and he looked a bit lightheaded from all of the blood loss.

"I won't...not until you apologize!" I snapped, digging the blade of my knife deeper into his skin. Eren let out a cry of agony, writhing in pain.

"I'm sorry!" She screamed. "Leave him alone, I apologized! Please Marco, just stop it!" She wasn't being genuine. That wasn't good enough. I want you pleading, on your knees. I want you to beg with every ounce of your very being!

I pulled my knife away, and stalked towards her, my eyes flashing. "That's not good enough. Beg me! Beg me for forgiveness!"

I grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked her head back. I pressed the blade against her throat, and she whimpered as a trickle of blood ran down from the cut. Eren growled, and yelled at me to stop, but I was past the point of no return.

"If you want to live, I suggest you give me a genuine apology!" I spat. I was slowly slipping away, falling in an abyss that I'd never be able to leave.

"I-I'm really sorry," she whispered, her eyes flashing with terror. "I didn't mean to make (Y/n) cry. I didn't mean anything I said about her."

Good enough for now, I guess. But when you apologize to my Goddess, you better grovel. If you don't appease her, you'll die, just like Eren will.

I stepped back, the scarlet knife in my hand glinting in the sunlight. "Fine, I won't kill you yet. But I still need to punish you for hurting the girl I love."

"What does that mean?" She asked, her fists clenching tightly.

"You need to feel what I felt when I saw her cry," I snarled, and walked back over to Eren. He tried to pull away from me, but it was in vain. I grinned, unaware of how insane I currently looked. My eyes were swirled with madness, and my grin was that of a serial killer. Eren's blood stained my face and my hands. I pressed the tip of my knife against Eren's throat, the red fury coming back to cloud the edges of my vision. 

"Stop it!" Mikasa screamed when she realized what I was doing. "Leave him alone! He didn't do anything to (Y/n), so just stop it!"

"NO! I won't stop, not until his lifeless body is bleeding out on the ground!"

Eren's face went pale, and his eyes widened. I had never seen such a look of pure terror in all of my life. I made me giggle in delight.

"Just look at how scared he is, Mikasa! Wouldn't it be cool if his expression stayed the same, even after I slit his throat?" I laughed, and Mikasa screamed at me, cursing at me as I dug my blade into his throat. "Watch your language," I spat at her, my voice nearly unrecognizable. "Swearing won't make this any less painful for him."

"Marco, stop this, please," Eren sobbed.

"Don't you want this? You'll get to see your mom again...won't that be nice? And really, I'm being kind to you. This way, you won't need to face the titans. This will be a long more pleasant than being eaten alive...I would imagine, anyway."

I slowly drew the blade across his skin, leaving a swallow cut. Then I left a second, then a third. I could hear Mikasa sobbing hopelessly as I turned his skin into a mess of scarlet cuts. He had nearly passed out by now, and honestly, I was getting bored of this.

"Alright, no more waiting. I need to find (Y/n) before training starts. It's been fun!" I said with a bright, mad smile, and shoved the knife deep into his neck, piercing his windpipe. His ocean green eyes widened, then slowly shut. His body slumped against the tree, the only thing holding him up being the ropes. I cut them off, and his lifeless body fell to the ground. I turned to Mikasa, who had broken down into tears. She let out a wail of complete and utter despair, shaking so hard she could barely stand.

"You're a monster," she whispered.

I just laughed. Whatever had happened to my mind made me think that was funny, for some reason. All I could think about was how happy (Y/n) would be when she found out what I had done for her.

I'd do anything for you, (Y/n). You're a Goddess, and I know it. I'll willingly be your servant, and killed anyone that makes you sad.

I love you that much.

Sorry this chapter is a bit story, but I didn't want to drag the killing scene out super long. Marco has officially gone insane, holy cow. Hopefully you enjoyed this...even though it's kind of dark. Like, yeesh, what is going on inside of my mind?

Next chapter should be up fairly soon!

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