Epilogue: New Life

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^^Aww....I swear, Marco is one of the cutest anime characters (alone with Nagisa from Assassination Classroom, because seriously, I just want to cuddle him so bad!). It's probably the freckles that make Marco so cute.

This is the last chapter of the book. Next up with be Jean. I'm still debating writing more AOT yandere stories after that.

Hope you like this final chapter!

(Your POV)

Marco and I were now dating. I didn't really have a choice. He threatened to kill more people if I refused, and he wasn't bluffing. I had refused him at first, and the next day Marco showed me how serious he was about making me his.

The sight of Reiner's corpse (haha revenge! I mean, sorry, what? Ignore that ;) - bloody and gutted in the middle of the forest - was enough to convince me. I didn't want to know how he managed to killed Reiner, and I desperately wished I could turn back time and change my answer before that had to happen. The sight still haunts me to this day, but now I know better than to try and deny Marco was he wants.

Which is me.

Ever since then, things haven't really changed. The only difference from when he first asked me out is that we are now both members of the survey corps, and I am now pregnant. Okay, so a lot had changed.

Marco doesn't even know about the baby yet. I've been too afraid to tell him. He wasn't fully sane, and I didn't know how he'd react. What if he didn't want the baby, and tried to hurt me because of it? He claimed I was a goddess to him, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do something to the baby.

Another issue was that I wasn't quite sure that I should be going on expeditions while being pregnant. I was, at the moment, standing in front of Captain Levi's door, ready to ask if I could take a break from going outside the wall. My hand was held up, ready to knock, but I hesitated. I took a deep breath before giving a couple quiet knocks. I stepped back, waiting for an answer.

"Who is it?" He asked, and I swallowed down the lump of fear in my throat. Would he think my request was ridiculous? I wasn't even showing yet. Maybe I should just go....

"I said, who is it? If you're going to interrupt me, at least have the decency to answer me. Brat."

"Sorry, Captain Levi, Sir," I answered quickly. "I just wanted to discuss something with you. May I...come in, please?" I held my breath.

"Fine, whatever. Come in."

I let out a sign of relief, and opened the door. He glared me, and my confidence wilted. I wouldn't turn down, though. So I closed the door behind me, acting like I wasn't scared out of my mind. The captain - though he was shorter than me - was still intimidating.

"Sorry to bother you, Sir, but I was wondering if I could take some time off."

His eyebrows rose, and I knew he didn't appreciate my request. "How long do you plan on being absent?"

"Uh...for a few months. I don't want to take time off now, exactly, just in a couple of months or so."

He snorted. "Sorry, but that's not how the survey corps works. You can't just take a three month long vacation whenever you feel like it."

"It's not that, Sir, I...I'm pregnant," I mumbled. This caught his attention.

"Oh?" He asked, looking up at me. Our eyes met, and I felt myself shrink back.

"Yes...I know I'm a bit young to be having a baby, but-"

"Does Marco know yet?" He asked, now catching me by surprise. I wasn't even aware that he knew we were together! My face flushed red.

"No...not yet," I admitted.

He snorted. "I see. Well, I'll let you have some time off once you get further along. Right now, you seem to be doing fine. However, once you feel uncomfortable with going out, just talk to me and I'll arrange something with Commander Erwin. Deal?"

I nodded, relief flooding my system. "Yes Sir. Thank you."

"Now go tell Marco. It's his, isn't it?"

I nodded once again, blushing. "Yes, it is his, Sir. I'll go tell him now. Thank you once again." I bowed and ran off, my heart pounding madly. That went better than expected.

Now, for the hard part.

~ ~ ~

"What do you want to tell me, (Y/n)?" Marco asked after I had pulled him aside during dinner. We were now alone, and that did little to calm my fears. His eyes softened when he saw how I was trembling. "Don't be frightened, dear Goddess. You don't need to be afraid of me."

He kissed my forehead sweetly.

"Now tell me...what did you want to say?"

"Marco, I-" I hesitated. "I'm pregnant."

His wide brown eyes grew even wider. "You...you are?" His expression darkened. "Why were you afraid to tell me? Is it someone else's?"

"Oh no, of course not!" I said quickly, and his face relaxed.

He grinned, and scooped me up in his arms. He covered my face in kisses, before he began to walk towards his room. I squeaked, gripping onto the front of his shirt. He was practically running to his room. When we got there, he set me down on the bed and snuggled up next to me. He buried his face in my hair, and let out a content purr.

"This is perfect," he whispered. "We'll have a family together."

"We're still quite young, through. I thought you'd be angry."

"I'd never be angry at you for something like that! I'm excited. I can't wait to be a father." He sighed, and gave me a tight squeeze. "You need to talk to the captain, and ask for a break."

"I already did. Everything is figured out."

He hummed in approval. "Good job, my Goddess. Did you think everything through, then? Will we get married now?" I could hear the hopeful tone in his voice.

It's not like I have a choice, do I?

"Yes, of course."

"I'm so glad! We'll be a family soon. Doesn't that sound wonderful, (Y/n)?"

I swallowed nervously. "Yes...it does."

If I had said anything different, he would most likely hurt someone else. I couldn't let that happen. Besides, I couldn't raise a baby on my own. This was the best decision, where both of us could be happy.

~ The End ~

Wow, I finished two stories in one day! Go me!

This one wasn't nearly as good at the yandere Bertholdt x Reader, but I guess it wasn't awful (?). I don't know why, but I really struggled with this ending. I had horrible writers block for like five days, so this didn't get finished until today.

Hopefully it was worth the wait.

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