5: All Tied Up

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Before I start writing, I wanted to give a shout out to emopastelgirl

Thank you for all of your nice comments! They made my day :)

(Your POV)

I sat with Armin during breakfast today, since he offered and I didn't have a reason not to, so I had shrugged and said, "Sure, whatever."

"Did you notice that Eren is missing?" Armin asked, his voice shaking. "He never came to our room last night, and I still can't find him. No one has seen him since last night. I'm worried he did something stupid and got in trouble. What do you think?"

"No clue," I said, chewing on a bite of bread. I acted nonchalant, but inside, I was worried. Eren wasn't the kind of guy that would just run off without telling someone. He'd tell his best friend, at least, and Armin definitely didn't have a clue where he was.

Something was...off.

"He'll probably show up eventually," I said, and Armin nodded, though he didn't seemed convinced. I felt unease nagging at the corner of my mind.

I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't know what.

~ ~ ~

(Marco's POV)

"Mikasa, come quick!" I called, running over to the dark haired girl. She looked up, her glassy eyes wide with hope. Ever since she woke and found that Eren was missing, she had grown depressed and more quiet than usual.

Serves you right for making my lovely (Y/n) upset!

"Did you find Eren?" She asked. "Please, say you found him."

"Yes, I did. He's in the forest, but he's stuck. I couldn't get him out, and he asked for me to find you. Could you come and help me?" I made sure to lather on the panic in my voice. It was fake, but I made it sound real. Inside, I was squealing with glee. She would enter the forest with me, but she'd never come on again. I thought about it last night, and I decided to tie her up, too. They'd both be trapped in there forever. Then, they couldn't upset (Y/n).

"Of course I'm coming. Show me where he is."

I turned and pointed in the direction were I had left him. "He's over here. Hurry, he's in pain." I took off, and she followed closer behind.

She's a total idiot. Once we get there, she'll understand what my true intentions are. I'm going to hurt her, and make her beg for forgiveness. She'll apologize to (Y/n) for making her cry, and then I'll give her what she wants. An eternity with Eren...tied together and left to rot. They'll stay there until they starve to death.

I slowed once we got close to where Eren was. I had to make sure I timed everything right. "Go ahead, he's in there," I said, and she hurried over to where I had motioned towards, not even considering what I was going to do. Surely she would learn to be more cautious, right?

I jumped on her from behind, slamming her into the ground. Before she could fight back, I wrapped the rope I was carrying and tied it around her neck in a noose.

"Try to run, and I'll kill you," I snarled, my voice changing, so it was more threatening. She froze.

"What are you doing, Marco? Where's Eren?"


She looked up sharply at her adoptive brother's voice. "Eren!"

"Shut up," I said, and stood up. "Now do exactly what I tell you, and I won't hurt you or Eren." I tied her to a tree, just like Eren. They were facing each other, their faces both contorted into masks of fear and confusion. I walked over to Eren, my knife in hand. I had snuck it from the kitchen before I went to get Mikasa. If I was going to punish Mikasa, I needed to hurt Eren.

"Mikasa," I said, my voice changing tone once again. Now, it was cold and slightly bitter. "You wouldn't happen go know a girl named (Y/n), would you?"

Mikasa hissed. "Yeah, I do. She's a skank that wants to take Eren from me!"

"No, she's the most beautiful girl in the world. If Eren likes her, I don't blame him. I...I love her." I smirked. "She is precious to me. All Eren is to her is a friend, yet...you won't let them talk to each other. You do realize (Y/n) only has one friend, right? She needs someone to be there for her. You...you...." Fury filled me, rage boiling in my veins. "You made her cry."

"Why, because I don't want her to talk to Eren? It's not my fault she's a cry baby. She's always been sensitive and pathetic. You can't blame me."

"You don't get to talk about her like that!"

"It's true! Now let Eren and I go!"

"No!" I shouted, and my grip on the knife tightened. "I won't...not until you're on your knees, begging me to forgive you for saying such horrible things about my Goddess...and then you're going to plead for mercy from her, too! Then, maybe...just maybe...I'll let you free."

My breathing was erratic and ragged. Insanity swirled through my mind, clouding my thoughts. What was this feeling? It was like rage, only...stronger. I wanted to rip her apart. I wanted to cut her in shreds, and feed her to the titans myself!

"What's wrong with you? I'm not going to apologize for hating that disgusting girl! She wants to take Eren from me, and you know it! I need to protect him from her!"

I walked up behind Eren, and dug the blade into the flesh of his upper arm, cutting through the fabric of his shirt in the process. A thin trickle of blood ran down, staining his sleeve red.

"Eren!" She shrieked, struggling to escape her bounds. "Stop, you're hurting him!"

"HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT WHEN YOU HURT (Y/N)!" I screamed, and ripped the knife away. I could see straight. Everything was turning red.

"M-Marco, stop-" Eren started, but I cut him off.

"Shut up, Eren!" I shouted, and turned to face Mikasa. "You will pay for everything you said about her. You'll pay for every time you glared at her. Every single rude thought you've ever had...you'll pay for it...with Eren's blood."


Okay, that got intense in a hurry. Yeah...surprisingly, Marco's going to be the most violent yandere yet. I have four kills planned for him (have any guesses?).

I can't wait to write the next chapter, so it will probably come out soon.

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