Maybe you're pregnant???

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Your POV

I'm freaking out right now. I missed my period for the second time, recently had sex, and I'm having morning sickness. What do all of these have in common? Um they MOST LIKELY indicate that I'm pregnant!. Today is our day off so that's one good thing. Hear me out, I'm not mad that I'm pregnant. It's just that I'll be the first cadet in the Scouts to have a child. What will the higher ups think? That I'm irresponsible? What will Eren think? Will he freak out and run away? I won't blame him. He has to deal with him being a Titan. Will he leave me and this child alone? But first, let's see if I'm ACTUALLY pregnant.

I walk towards Hanji's lab.

"Um, Hanji? I have a favor."

"Does it involve titans?"

"Just a little bit."


"I think......I'm pregnant."

"Hey that doesn't involve titans!"

"I got pregnant by one."


"Slow down four eyes (a/n Levi reference) I need to find out if I'm actually pregnant. Do you know if there's anything you or I can do to find out?"

"We can wait for nine months."

"Ugh." I slap my forehead in anger.

"Hey, I'll give you something. All you gotta do is pee on the stick part and give it to me in a bag. I'll give it a doctor so they can analyze it to find out if your pregnant or not. Deal?"


I took that "something" with me in a bag. I was walking back to my room until I bump into Armin.

'Great' I thought

"Hey y/n! I didn't see you this morning for breakfast. Where were you?"

"Doing something."

"What a way to be specific."

"Well, I got to go. See you later coconut head!"

"Hey! Don't call me that!"

I made to my room without bumping into anyone else. I walked over to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I then released onto the stick. I put the stick back into the bag. I pulled my pants up and washed my hands. I grabbed the bag and walked out once again. My hands were trembling. Trembling out of fear. Fear of being alone.

'Pull it together!"

"What if he leaves me?"

"Then you raise that child all by yourself!"

"I don't want to raise all by my..."


"Geez! So rude."

"Look y/n, you got this. Okay? "

"Okay." I whispered so I can only hear me.

I barged into Hanji's lab.


She took it and said

"Whatever happens.... you have me."

"Thank you."

*in the spongebob narrator's voice* A couple days later.

Today is the day that I'll find out if I'm pregnant. I was PETRAified. I don't even want to get out of bed. However, I'm starving! Food was starting to fill my mind. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a lot of food, and sat by myself. I just wanted to be by myself. I needed to get my thoughts together. Unfortunately, my alone time was defeated by my friends. The majority of the gang was here. Mikasa, Coconut head, Connie, Jean,

'oh he is not laying a single head on my child. If I have one'

and Sasha.

"Wow! And I thought I ate a lot." Sasha says in a friendly way.

Of course, being the nice that I am, I responded saying

"Hey, don't take it there my potato girl."

Everyone was laughing. Someone was missing though. Eren.

'Guess you'll have to get use to it'




"Y/n? Y/n? Y/nnnnn? Y/N!" I heard Connie shout.

"Are you okay?" Armin asks.


"You such a terrible lair." Mikasa tells me.

"Everything is alright between you and Jaeger?" Jean asks.

"Huh Yeah."

"Lair lair pants on fire." Connie "sings"

"Shut it short stuff." I demand.

Mikasa gave me a look saying 'calm down.' I sighed.

"Sorry guys I'm just stressed."

"Listen here brats!" Levi yells. "We are doing hand to hand combat today!"


'So um....'

'You know if someone kicks the living shit out of..'

'Your 'kid' is going to die'

'I know'

"Hey cute stuff! What are you thinking about?" Jean asks.

"Who would be our partners." I lie him.

"Something really is wrong with y/n. She didn't cuss Jean out for calling her 'cute stuff'. Armin whispers to Mikasa.

"I can hear you." I say in an emotionless tone.

"TIMES UP!" Levi yells.

Who would've thought humanity's strongest soldier is a midget.

Everyone was putting away their plates. I was about to go outside for training until I feel someone grabbing my wrist.

"I have the results." Hanji says.

"Tell me."


Eren's POV

I was going outside for training. I haven't seen nor spoken to y/n in four days. That's insane I know. Something caught my attention. Hanji pulling y/n to the side to talk to her. I hid behind a table and listened to what they had to say.

"You're pregnant."

"Do you know if it's a.."


Y/n was speechless and so was I. We're having a child. Out of pure joy I jumped up causing to blow my cover.

"EREN!" Y/n yells.

I run up to her and hug her. I'm kissing her everywhere. Then the tears fall out.

"Y/n.....were having a child!"

"Eren." She says in her soft comforting voice.

"Tch, what are you brats doing in here?" Levi says.


"Tch, you guys are late for training so do..."

"I'm pregnant."


"Well, that means you are excused from training until after you give birth. However, you are not excused from being a soldier." Commander Erwin says in a nice tone.

"Thank you."

"As for you Jaeger, you still need training."

"And I thought I was off the hook." Eren whines.

"At least you don't have another human inside of you."

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