Dungeons and snobs

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Nico POV
The worst thing about Hogwarts is the twats like Draco, I say Hogwarts but  to be honest it's the people I hate. The Slytherin common room well..dungeon is like a breeding ground for pompous "pureblood" idiots like Draco to go and boast about their families and how they're so amazing and pureeee. Everyone in my year was obsessed with Draco, treated him like he was running Olympus to be truthful always crowding him listening to his absurd stories and cheering him on, acting like his acts of bullying were the act of god.  My favourite place in this hell was the furthest corner away from Draco, he'd not been the friendliest since the potions incident - none of the Slytherins have - his nudges and glares are clear enough to show I'm on the same level as Harry. Speaking of I haven't spoke to them since I had been sorted into Slytherin, perhaps they Are avoiding me.
It was Halloween today, the pumpkins and ghosts floating around the school really set the mood. I loved Halloween dressing up and going out with friends..well I say friends but I mean Bianca to trick or treat. The great hall looked amazing, black candles on tables, pumpkins and all the autumn colours orange, prowl, purple and black. The Slytherin table was louder than usual most likely due to crabs trying to prove he can turn the pumpkin into a broom - they were all cheering him on- I just sat at the end quietly and burnt my food for the offering.

Hermione POV
" have you noticed he does that every day " the two boys look confused at my question " what ?" Sigh " Nico he always burns a piece of his food in the fire ". Ron dropped his chicken leg and look at harry and attempts to whisper " looks like dark art stuff to me " Harry chuckles in response " no Harry I'm serious ! Look at him always sneaking around never talking to anyone. It's not right, something is off about that kid ". I scoff at the idea of Nico being involved with " the dark arts " I mean he stood up for me. Surely he's not evil. I stand up abruptly causing Ron to choke on his food " where are you going " sigh " I'm going to say hello ".
I confidently stroll over to the slytherin table walking straight to nico, avoiding the eyes of all the Slytherins starting at me. " hello Nico" he looks up shocked " hi " he doesn't seem like the sociable type " how have you been " he shifts uncomfortable " I've been alright " I smile " good ". I stare at him hoping he'd continue but instead he looks me dead in the eye and looks back to the Gryfindor table and back at me " do your friends know your talking to me "
" what"
" well they don't look to happy that you are..I mean they made it clear how they feel about Slytherins on the train "
" but your not like the Slytherins, your not...how do I put it "
" pure "
I look at him, like really look. He seems bothered by the word.
" are you not ?"
He avoids my eyes for the next answer " I guess none of my parents are magic " .

I smile and walk away leaving a Confused Nico as I sit down I happily inform them " Nico isn't evil" I grin even wider " hes not even pureblood which means ..." there's a silence until Harry finally answers " the Slytherins don't like him?"
I nod.

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