Demigods, Gays & ..Oh no the Chamber Of Secrets

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As soon as it hit midnight, I shadow traveled to the Whomping willow, a safe distance of course.
I look up to the top of the hill at Hogwarts waiting patiently for the redhead, as soon as I saw a flash or orange I shadowed traveled up there and grabbed his hand, then returned to the tree.
"Simon" we both pulled each other in for a tight hug, we stayed like that for a few minutes no words just hugging until Simon pulled away and 
Punched my shoulder
"How could you Nico, How could you just get up and leave me, we were suppose to be friends and friends don't run off in the middle of the year they're suppose to stick together and TELL each other things like this"
He stops pacing and looks me dead in the eye "Do you understand Nico?? We need to stick together and tell the truth friends are suppose to be ..." he stops "Well ..friends " I attempt to interrupt him " Simon..I "

"No Nico, don't interrupt me! I have been planning what I was going to say to you when you came back and now your going to give me the dam time to say it " he begins to choke up, visibly struggling not to cry " you just left and didn't tell me, you left me all alone Nico. I was so worried I didn't know were you were and i kept waiting around like an idiot for you to come back " he kicks a chunk out the ground " but your back now " he heavily sighs and slumps down to the grass " but how long are you back for before you..." he lets the tears fall.
He cares...he cares this much, stupid Nico why did you hurt him.
Why did you have to lose your temper
Why didn't you just tell him you were a Demigod
Why didn't you say goodbye
" Simon" I sit down next to him " I'm not going to leave again, I ..I had to go back to the ..under- I mean My dads because of what happened with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I was suppose to protect them but instead I .."
Simon cuts in  " what do you mean protect them ?" Shit " Simon I ... I was sent here to protect Harry Potter from Volde-" Simon covers my mouth " Don't say his name " I remove his hand from my mouth "You know who then I was sent here to protect Harry  from him " Simon pulls a face " you don't need to lie to me Nico..why would they send you. Your a kid " I stand up and outstretch my hand " take my hand Simon"
He hesitates up does grab my hands " Nico just tell me the truth please ". I shadow travel deep into the Forbidden Forrest and sit Simon down on a log.
"Now you know Wizards and Witches are real" Simon raises an eyebrow " and mythical creatures "
"Nico I'm not dumb, this is a school FOR WITCHES AND WIZARDS " he goes to get up but I shove him back down "SIMON" I lower my voice to a whisper "please ".
I take a step back and breathe "The gods, the Greek Gods are real, and I'm a Demigod". 
"Oh..I get it now.." Simon stand up from the log " your.. NUTS" he take a leap on the nuts and runs into the Forrest.
I raise my hands up into the air, the shadows contort around me and reach out like a giant hand towards the running Simon and wrap tightly around his waist, pulling him back " Simon please give me a chance "
Simon starts punching at the shadow hand "LET GO OF ME " I order the hand to drop him and he falls into my arms " I'm sorry " I drop him to the ground and raise a single hand.
The skeletons hands rip the ground open and clutch at Simons leg " but your not listening to me ".
"I'm a demigod Simon, and I was sent here by my Dad- I mean Hades to take down Voldemort. As a compromise I would help the wizarding  community keep Harry potter safe  and get rid of Voldemort, it was a Win-Win. But because I'm a child of Hades my witches and Wizards seem like dark magic so that started the rumours of me being a "death eater " but I am really here to help. And I lost my temper with the Trio and that got me sent back to the underworld and now I'm here again " I breathe out feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders,
I look to Simon and see his mouth wide open.
"Please let the Skelton let me go Nico" I immediately click my fingers and bend down to Simon " I'm sorry "
He rubs the dirt off his trousers " I believe you ".
My face lights up " you do ?" He nods his head
"Thank you Simon! Thank you! I won't let you down this time. I won't leave and I'll be truthful " I pull him into a hug he laughs and hugs me back.
He whispers " I've missed you Nico so much " he clutches harder " I've missed you too Simon ".
" This year will be OUR year Simon "
That was the most positive thing I had ever said...Nico Di Angelo positive!? And excited...welcomed by someone.
Missed by someone, someone has missed me.
I fell a tear role down my face.

Simon POV
I feel a tear hit me " Nico ?" I pull out the embrace and see Nico, crying " Nico what's wrong "
He smiles..
" Nothing Simon, Nothing is wrong ..and it's beautiful "
I feel my heart skip a beat
And my face warm up
Your beautiful
I want to scream it at him I want to let out all the feelings I've ever felt...
For Nico, a wizard-Demigod. A boy, I want to tell this guy he's beautiful.
" Nico ..I uh need to tell you something " I pull out the embrace quickly
I feel so calm, like I had said this a thousands times and like it wasn't the first time I had ever said it
I clear my throat " Nico " he smiles " yeah Simon ".
I puff out my chest and fix my hair
If Nico can be truthful with me, I'll be truthful with him " I am-"
I'm interrupted by a blood curdling scream which resonated from the Castle
"NORRIS MY NORRIS " Nico looks panicked and grabs me immediately shadow travelling to the castle.
When the shadows evaporated it was clear.
The wet floors, blood on the wall reading out "The chambers of secrets has been opened enemies of the heir ...BEWARE " I feel a twitch in my heart, like something is not right, Enemies of the heir?..
Flinchs crying interrupts my train of thought, he's screaming abuse at the Trio mainly Harry Potter.
Nico places a hand on my shoulder and then walks forward towards flinch " Sir, I thinks your cat Norris has been petrified. She's not dead I can't feel her death " Flinch Turns around to Nico "petrified? ".
Nico nods "I believe Harry, Ron and Hermione couldn't have had anything to do with this, no spell or curse can cause this -". Nico is interrupted by a sound of shock from Mrs McGonagall
" children go back to beds immediately !" She runs to Norris and whispers to herself "petrified  "
She turns to Nico " Mr Di Angelo please alert Dumbledore " Nico nods and travels off
" Harry, Hermione and Ron back to the Grfindoor common room right away "
A large crowd of students had now gathered gawking at the scene " ALL students to their common rooms now ".
I started to take steps back..trying not to be seen.
Why is McGonagall so panicked..I don't understand, if Norris isn't dead then it's not so bad ?
Or was it the writing that has everyone panicked.. " enemies of the heir ".." chamber of secretes "
It doesn't make any sense
I run back to my common room and slam the door shut which gets a few tired " shutt uppp Simon " And a pillow launched at me by Cedric.
What is the Chamber of Secrets ?

Writers note
Hey guys ! It's been a while but I'm back and got a new chapter out..and it's a big one !!
Hope you guys enjoy this and if you guys have any critics you would like to leave comment them below, always up for making this story a better read. Hope you guys are up for the next chapter !
TIL next time ! :)

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