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Simon POV
" great, thanks Nico!" I smile at the tall boy " I'll come get you when it's about to begin okay? " he nods.
I run back to the Hufflepuff common room to Cedric asking questions "where did you need to run off to Simon ?" I awkwardly smile and mumble " to invite someone "
" can you say that again Simon?"
I clear my throat" I invited someone to the treasure hunt ".
Cedric smiles And casually asks  "good more the merrier! who did you ask ?"
" just a boy in my year, he's called Nico "
" Im glad your making friends Simon! What house is he coming from ?".
I know this won't go well
" Slytherin"
The whole common room went quiet
" you invited a Slytherin to our game ? Simon you know they are bad news you can't be running around making friends with the wrong sort." Our conversation has caught the attention of other first years.
"You mean Nico Di Angelo?? The death eater "
"He invited a death eater "
" are you sure it's not rumours ?"
" no it's not apparently he used dark magic "
I try to calm everyone down " no no Nico is good he's not a death eater I swear "
No one is convinced
" I promise  he isn't, he's great. He isn't a death eater he's my friend! ".
To Hufflepuffs friend mean a lot, it's in our nature
To be friendly
To make friends
To be good friends
Hufflepuffs have a sense on who's a good friend or not so hopefully the use of the word "friend" will help ease them to the idea.
They weren't that easy on it, they're letting him come however I feel as though he won't receive a warm welcome.
And that's a big deal, I don't want to freak him off or make everyone mad at me for inviting him
I don't think he's a death eater and hopefully this treasure hunt will let them see the real Nico..
Even though I haven't really seen him yet either.

Writer notes
Hey guys I know this is short but got a drama exam tomorrow so need to focus but kinda wanted to give a bit more of Simon. Please feel free to give me some healthy criticisms about the character and plot to help me get this to its full potential. Like for example do you guys hate of love Simon? Want more golden trio? More Malfoy ? I'm here to just make this mor enjoyable to read!
Hope you enjoyed the short chapter!
Wish me luck on my exams,

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