A child of Hades temper

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Nico POV
Ever since the treasure hunt, Simon hasn't left me alone
I'm not complaining. it's nice for once to have a friend someone to talk too,
Someone to be with it's a change from camp half-blood. I
No one spoke to me there, they have all hated me thought I was a freak.
"Hades child " but Simon didn't know what I was, he didn't know what I was capable of
He wasn't afraid and for once I felt welcomed.
Well except from the Slytherins, they still treated me like a freak. Especially Draco who has been trying to sabotage me in every way possible, in classes, in the dorm even outside when I'm with Simon. But I'm not going to let him bother me, I mean he doesn't know what truly makes me tick, so why should I give him the time? My father had only visited me once throughout these months, it was not welcoming.
"Nico, I assure youve been keeping an eye on the Potter boy"
"Yes father I have, they've been quiet always wandering the halls like they are in search for something "
" of course they're in search for something you fool, they're looking for the stone "
" but Cerberus is guarding it so they won't get it " my father sighs " oh poor simple Nico, they have magic. They are talented, the muggle girl especially they could easily find a way to pass him but you would know that if you were tailing them liked I asked instead of playing games with a inferior mortal "
" he's not inferior "
Hades laugh in face " oh Nico, please don't tell me" he chuckles " just like the Jackson child " he picks me up by the collar and brings me up to face him " I wish you'd stop these disgusting thoughts " he drops me to the ground and evaporates leaving me alone.
You can really tell that he misses me
Draco's gang kick my bed " the hufflepuff is here to see you freako " him and his friends make sure to laugh up his immature joke before leaving. I jump off my bed and head towards the door, it was a weekend so I had no classes. It was just gona be a day of me and Simon, this is all I wanted.
Thank the gods for today
" hey neeks! I hope you don't mind but I brought some friends "
By the gods why must hades curse me like this
The golden trio stand next to Simon grinning
They want something
Simon grabs my arm and tugs me out of the doorway " this is gona be so much fun "

It wasn't until we got to the hut next to the Forrest they spoke to me
Hermione asks the questions " so nico, how are you finding hogwarts?"
" it's alright "
" are your family magic ?"
They're interrogating me
" you can say that..."
They give each other a look before Ron decides to take over
" any siblings ?"
I grit my teeth and clench my fists
"No" Simon nudges me and mouthes chill out
Harry notices my discomfort to the question " do you get along with your mother and father "
Oh this boy is testing me
" My mother, is dead and my father and me do not talk much "
Hermione stern looks softens " sorry for your loss "
I push past the three and head further into the Forrest " I bet you are ".
Simon runs up to me and placed his hand onto my shoulder and pulls me in to face him "Nico come on they just want to get to know you that's all! No need to be so aggressive " I look Simon in the eye for a little while
Before I realise the trio are watching this from afar.
I push Simons hand away and whisper " they can't know me ".
A good ten minutes walk into the Forrest before Harry shouts " let's take a rest here, looks a good spot " he and the trio sit down on a log, Simon before sitting gives me a look and gives me a sign to some sit down.
These mortals are going to kill me
" so nico " harry looks to his friends " about the rumours
You know about you being, a death eater "
The whole woodland area becomes darker " are they true ?"
The grass at the bottom of my feet begins to wilt
Why must it always be me "no".
" if I knew you guys only came to harass Nico about this rumours i wouldn't have invited you " Simon stands up and walks over to the trio " if he says he isn't a death eater, then he isn't.
So why don't you back off "
Ron stands up and squared up the Simon " are you going to make us back off " Harry and Hermione stand next to Ron, ron pushes Simon " who's to say your not one either ".

Sometimes I can't control my temper
"Enough "
I stand up and walk over to the them " you can accuse me of being a death eater, you can treat me like the villain, you can push me around " the dark shadows begin to surround me " but you will never
Accuse Simon " I grab a hold of Ron's arms and through him into a near by tree
Harry pulls out his wand and throws a spell at me, I pull out my sword which I had been hiding with the mist and deflect the spell.
" it's charmed Potter, with magic that'll you'll never understand " i run charge Harry and swing my sword high in the air he throws more spells but my sword deflects each one but the girl has came round the back and hit me with one sending me flying into the air just before I land I shadow travel behind her
" I was just starting to like you " I raise my arms high in the air and begin to chant
The Skelton hands Rip through the ground and grab onto Hermione
Harry shouts to Hermione " Necromancy !" Hermione in her panic hits me with another spell this time I have no time to shadow travel and I hit the ground.
" Nico!!" Simon runs towards me " Nico stop it, this is getting out of hand " I get up and run past Simon
Hermione had somehow got out of my skeletons clutches and escaped towards harry, Ron has now regained consciousness and ran to his friends. Simon has jumped into my back trying to wrestle me to the ground " Nico please don't do this, the more you do this the more they'll never believe you "
Harry shouts out " we already don't believe you, we know about you di Angelo we know!
We know that you use the dark arts, we know your Voldemort's son and we know you killed your other family members " . I drop my sword " you think I'm Voldemort's son "
the anger I felt before was nothing compared to this " you think I killed Bianca and mama"
I throw Simon off my shoulder and raise my hand, the skeletons hands reach out and pin him to the ground " this is for your safety Simon " .
I walk towards the trio " I am not the death dodgers son And I did not kill my sister " I let my sword drop to the ground "I'm not even of your world " I raise my hand into the air " I'm a warrior, I am the ghost king
I am Nico Di Angelo, son of hades "
I bring the hand down and whistle
And their opens a black portal we're out came Mrs o Leary, my hell hound
" you might want to run now,
The underworld can make a dog hungry ".
The trio begin to scream and run back up to Hogwarts with Mrs o Leary chasing after them.
" don't worry Simon, she doesn't eat mortals " I sit down on the ground and burrow my face into my hands
" I didn't mean to drag you into this Simon..the accusations or this ".
I let the skeletons hands let Simon go allowing him to run
" you can go know if you want, I get it. If you don't want to be around me anymore, I'm a freak "
Simon sits down next to me " I think you went overboard, maybe they deserved it maybe they didn't. But if they're saying false stuff about you and accusing you of being a death eater well..
I still don't think they deserved all of that..but "
He puts his hand onto my face and brings my face up to face his

" I don't think your a freak "

Writers note
Hey guys sorry it's been so long since I wrote this I've been so busy! But that's no excuse I'm back to writing and ready to continue nico and simons story!! I had a bit of writers block and still do and have no clue what to do next but I'm going to keep trying to continue this! Please let me know what you think about this!
I might be starting other fanfictions in the near future but they will be short ones :)) but not too short!
Keep an eye for them please!

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