Hello? Hello?

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He wasn't in the common room, his classes, the hallway, the great hall or the whomping willow..
Where did Nico go? He wouldn't have left without saying goodbye, he wouldn't have. Was he expelled? Did the trio do something to him?
What Happened to Nico Di Angelo? I wipe the tears from my eyes hoping Cedric notice , i look up and see him across the court yard chatting up some second years girls..
Of course he wouldn't notice.
All these questions and not a single answer to where Nico Di Angelo went.
If he left, He would have said goodbye.

" hey mudblood " I didn't need to look up, i already knew it was Draco and his gang of Slytherins " You looking for your goth boyfriend ??" Crab flicks my forehead " We are talking to you mudblood " Doyle pushes my head " Answer us freak ! "
I don't care
" stand back boys " Draco pulls out his wand and I'm pulled up into the air by the feet, I don't even look them in the eyes or say anything to them. There is no point.
" simonnn your boring us!! "
" just answer the question "
" wheres di Angelo "
" where is he ?"
" did he runaway awayyy?"

"Shut up Draco" they stopped laughing " what did you say ginger ?" I pull my wand out my back pocket " I said shut up" I throw a Spell at Draco sending him flying back but also sending me to the ground.
I quickly flick my wrist sending Draco's goonies backwards as well.
Nico wouldn't have let them do this and I won't either.
I run inside to Hogwarts and head straight for the Hufflepuffs dorm and slam the door behind me and give a sigh of relief. All the Hufflepuffs eyes are on me " did you hear Simon?" What " about Nico?"
" what about him?? Is he okay?".
" he got kicked out, Simon. For attacking Harry Potter and his friends."
Shit shit shit
I never thought they would have told
"Everyone's says he worked for you know who...that he was sent to kill Harry Potter ".
How dare they..
Nico wasn't sent to kill Harry he wasn't evil. He was good, if everyone took the time to get to know nico like I did they would have known.
But no they had to make him feel like a freak.
"Nico was not working for the dark lord, I knew him! He wasn't and the thing with Potter and his friends it wasn't cause he " worked for the dark lord" they provoked him! They provoked him! " I begin to sob " he wasn't evil ! You all just thought he was because he was different. Well he wasn't evil! That stupid Potter you all claim is the chosen one is evil ".
Then a rammy of voices kicked off with the Hufflepuff shouting all different things at me.
Making claims I was working with Nico,
That Nico was innocent
That I was a death eater.
Now Nico was gone...they needed someone else to blame.

The impact of the fist sent me back into the door
" Death eater "

Writers note
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this lil short chapter! swear the long ones will come soon, been occupied with my exams so just doing little chapter the now so I decided to focus on Simon this time.
But stilll hope you liked it !
The next chapter will be a couple year time skip ( not too long don't worry)

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