All grown up

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Nico PoV

The underworld wasn't much to look at, I mean it's for the dead.
A Bleak colour pattern and a smell that could only be compared to well... rotten flesh it wasn't suppose to be a paradise with beaches and blue skies.
But it was home well it was the closest thing I had  to home anyway. I couldn't really be picky with my options of where to stay, I mean there's the underworld and the underworld. Everywhere that was once my home was long gone ..or I was no longer welcomed there so the underworld it is.The hounds were good company, some of the ghosts had good stories to tell and sometimes I'd be happy even for just a split second. It was enough  for me at least be because in the underworld you can't take that for granted. The whole place sucked the life out everything and I didn't have much life for it to suck in the beginning.
My father wasn't impressed with my behaviour at Hogwarts, he claims I " dishonoured him" 
Like he was held to highly by the other gods in the first place. So he wasn't exactly warm to me, but he did start training me
Every single day
So at least I could control my powers and become stronger and hopefully go back and fulfil my quest but I don't know if i really wanted to complete  the quest or if I was only using it as an excuse to see Simon. I did practise my magic in secret it was the closest thing I had to remind me of Simon, I had been speaking to the ghost of witches and wizards and asking them for spells, tips and anything that could help me become stronger. I even snuck out on a busy day in the underworld to ask Hecate to give me a wand. I didn't leave with a wand but a long black staff with a clear crystal at the top
" more your style young Di Angelo  " it was a kind gesture.
I had to get stronger with my magic, I know the fate of the Wizarding world of the war that will come and I need to be strong to protect Simon when I return.
I sent him a postcard for his birthday for the last two years..but I doubt my father would ever let them get to him he thought very little  of Simon.
" dont let your feelings for this mortal get in the way of your quest Nico, your honour. Childish romances can wait ". Though he did prefer hearing about him rather than Percy Jackson.

Simon POV
" frankly you can stick that broom as far as you want up your behind but you still won't be able to ride it"  I scream from the stands to Cedric
" oh fuck off, don't you have someone else to bother " I raise my wand and shout " abracadabra " giving it a good swing but instead of holding up my wand my middle finger was up " ohh I'm sorry maybe I didn't say the spell right " I chuckle before jumping down off the stands onto my broom assholes.
Like I care what they say
I spy the entrance of the castle and dive down, just before I reach the door I leap off and walk in as if I had walked the whole way here. I wasn't tying to impress anyone or seem cool to my friends cause to be honest I had no friends everyone in this castle are so convinced that I'm a death eater or at least not a nice guy. And when everyone's convinced for so long that your not a nice guy and that your a monster.
It's what you eventually become.

Writer note
Hey guys!!! I finally did! Even uploaded some art with this chapter.
So sorry about how long it took me I've been so busy lately but so glad I got the time to do this.
Please tell me what you though of this chapter :))))

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