A hufflepuff can find anything. Even nico di angelo.

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Nico POV
The rumours of me being a "death eater " quickly travelled throughout school which resulted me in a meeting with Dumbledore, Snape and the most unlikely of characters my dad.
My dad's pacing angrily with the hell hounds following his every move " well how did these rumours begin " he finally stops pacing.
Dumbledore tried to reassure him " well we have came to believe Nico has shadow traveled in front of the students and this resembles of how death eaters move therefore causing the rumours". I slump down lower into my chair knowing this would not end well for me.
" May I please have a word with my son, alone ?" Snape and Dumbledore nod and leave the room not even a second of them leaving and I'm up against the wall with my fathers hand on my throat.
" Nico the gods have honoured you with this quest, you will not disappoint them or tarnish my name. As a child of hades you better succeed and do well on this quest or else you won't be seeing anything but the fields of punishments" He let's go of his grip " now are we clear ". I regain my breathe and choke out " yes father " I'm not in the mood to argue or rebel today so I take it.
"Do not let your temper get the best of you nico, no matter the reason.
You were sent here to stop Voldemort not become a victim of childish bullying. Why can't you man up and do the task and avoid these petty arguments. Your not a a demigod, a hero, a warrior and a son of hades. Act like it. " he turns to leave but before he decides to add salt to the wound "bianca would not have disappointed me like this".
As the smoke of his travel leaves Dumbledore appears " Nico I'm sorry about the circumstances but I truly hope you do well on your quest. For all of us ".
I don't know what my father expects of what Dumbledore expects from me, I'm nothing. A child of hades with no place to go, no fate. Only to be hated and rejected. Why did the gods do this to me ? For amusement ? To see the poor child of hades run around and be pushed around by wizards. Perhaps this quest will not prove my worth.
I shadowtravel  away from Dumbledore before giving him a response back to the common room. If they already think I'm a death eater....then who cares.
No ones in the common room so I reside happily to my bed in silence.
I miss bianca at times like this, she used to know how to comfort me. Would sing me to sleep when I couldn't, she would protect me. Hows she gone because I was too much of a baby to go with her and protect her. Because I trusted him to keep her safe..I was blinded my childish thoughts of him being a strong hero that would prevail through evil, I needed to wake up and get my head out the clouds. Good doesn't always win.

Simons POV
I had been looking out for nico since he first spoke to me, his mysterious behaviour only made me want to talk to him even more. I'd find myself straining my eyes into crowds to find the tall goth boy but I never did, except when he asked me about death eaters.
I know about the rumours but...I mean he couldn't. He helped me when Draco was after me, who would betray their own house? Nico obviously has some secrets obviously but I don't think being a death eater is one, I think it's much more deeper than that more..
"Simon can you please focus for 5 minutes " Cedric has become tired of my spacing out during his chat about the up coming hufflepuff treasure hunt. It was a tradition in our house - other houses were invited of course to join In - but who would want too, I mean Hufflepuff was always considered the fluke house, full of airheads and nobodies. I mean can you blame them? Ravenclaws are intelligent, Gryfindors have courage, Slytherins are cunning and hufflepuffs..are good at finding stuff. We are the chihuahuas of dogs in hogwarts.
" Simon, earth to Simon!" I jump up " sorry Cedric, I'm listening " he shakes his head in disappointment.
I wonder if nico liked treasure hunts ? Maybe I should go ask him. I stand up interrupting cedrics speech and quickly excuse myself.
I run all the way down to the dungeons but I stop myself and thin, what happens if Draco opens the door. But he might not? The risk seemed worth it so I went ahead and chapped the door and waited.
I heard someone fiddle with the door and there was nico at the other side "Simon?" He looks around outside the door " do you need something ?".
I smile and step forward closer to nico " Nico I was wondering " he nods "yeah?"
I clear my throat
" do you like treasure hunts ?".

Nico PoV
I smile at the endearing ginger boy in front of me " I guess I do like treasure hunts ".
He runs his hand through his curls " well we're having one tomorrow, the hufflepuffs and I was wondering if you wanted to join me ?".
He wants me around
He came all this way to ask me
Just me
To a treasure hunt.
The warm feelings fills my heart " yeah Simon..that sounds great ".

Hey guys thanks for reading! Hope you guys enjoyed so glad to see another comment of encouragement! You warm my heart! Give me your opinion on this chapter!

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