Chapter 2

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Her brother and herself have special 'talents', her more that him. Hellboy (who she calls red) is fire proof, literally, and extremely heavy handed, his stone hand can break a lot, which he does, he ruins his room. They did use to share a room but their father thought that because she was getting older and More...developed, they should have their own rooms (although she sleeps in his room most nights anyway). Also he is in his thirties, although they came out of that portal a good 60 years ago, He ages about 30 years slower than he should.

Then there's Aravind. She floats, she hovers up to the same height as a two storey building, although the higher she goes, the more it exhausts her. She can walk normally. She can also have two versions of herself. The real her can stay at home whilst the fake version of her (who she controls) can be anywhere else. Another thing that is phenomenally strange, is that whilst Hellboy is in his thirties, Aravind is in her early 20s, she classifies herself as 22. She ages about 38 years slower than she should.She has Light brown hair that ends just below her shoulders. Her left eye is green and her right is blue and they both have a gold rim around the pupils.

They are apart of a secret government organization that hunts other monsters. They are supposed to be a top secret organization funded by the FBI in area 51 but Hellboy is not very discreet, to put it lightly, he is in the news a lot. Their father and Tom Manning are not happy about how Hellboy is on the news so often. Professor Broom took them both in all those years ago and they love him like he is their real father and he adores them as if they were his own children.

Tom Manning is the head of special operations at the FBI, so he is around there a lot, unfortunately for Hellboy because he hates him, at least that's what it seems like.

Aravind attended a university in England so had not been home in several months. She had just gotten home to the B.P.R.D where her family lives. She had told them all that she had too much studying to do for an upcoming test that she had to pass with flying colours, so no one could suspect that she would be coming home. The girl couldn't wait to surprise them. Normally, her father would come and get her from school so she wouldn't have to travel all the way back on her own. she's really nervous in public, and can't really deal with strangers, well, human strangers, she's better with monsters. Most likely because she's more similar to them than humans.

Aravind walked through the lobby to the B.R.P.D symbol in the middle. She gave the man at the desk a nod and he activated it. She was lowered down to the bottom and reached the library's golden doors. She placed her hand on the door, before taking a deep breath and pushing open the door, trying to sneak in. No one was around, but her best friend Abe would most likely be in his tank. (He's a fish human creature. And he is incredibly smart and enjoys reading, they get on really well). she went to the entrance of Abe's tank. He somehow taught her how to talk to him underwater by making certain sounds in the water which he could understand, and It also works on normal fish, which she had tried. She put the specially designed FBI waterproof suit over her school uniform (She hadn't had time to change) and slowly submerged herself into the water to search for Abe. After a thorough search of the tank, she saw him in the corner, seemingly resting.

"Who's here?" Abe asked almost alarmed at the water's sudden ripples, which showed that someone was there with him. She swam right up to him and he froze, he was facing the other way.

The girl made the right sounds to talk to him. "It's a secret." She whispered in his direction.

" Aravind? " Abe turned around in shock.

"Surprise!" She spoke in the dialect that he taught her. She swam back up so she could face him through the glass instead of trying to see through the water and hurting her eyes. Swiftly, she took the suit off and grabbed her hikers backpack (she preferred backpacks to suitcases and handbags) before swinging it on to her shoulders with a thud, nearly knocking off her balance. "Hey Abe. How are ya doing?" She asked sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the glass. He mirrored those actions opposite her.

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