Chapter 5

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At this point I was with my father and Tom. I had tried telling them that Red had only gone to get chocolate because I had told him too. Myers had not realized that I was covering up the truth and said that he hadn't . I glared at him and that was when he realized his mistake. Thanks for that, Myers.

"Every time the media gets a look at him, they come running to me. I'm running out of lies Trevor. At least Ara gets the job done and stays hidden." Tom was explaining to father.

"Ara doesn't look too different from humans and besides, I thought you liked being on tv." Father remarked.

"I do." Tom says, lighting his cigar with the match he had just struck against the wall. " so how many escapes this year alone? Five? " Tom said. I pulled tongues at his back.

Father snapped slightly. "Tom, he's our guest, not a prisoner."

" Yeah well, your guest happens to be 6-foot-5, bright red, has a tail and is government-funded, so is she. " Tom pointed at me, he was beginning to get on my nerves. Abe looked up from the corner of the room.

"I know where to find him." Father replied softly. " I'll get him back. "

"Hey, fish stick." Abe looked up " Don't touch anything"

"He needs to touch it." I started for him.

" to see" he finished. I smiled at him.

"See what?" Tom asked curiously.

"Past, future. Whatever this object holds." Abe spoke. I turned to my father at this.

" I'm going to go home, I'm becoming too tired to be here like this. " he nodded at me, before hugging me and kissing my forehead. We smiled at each other before I disappeared and became the real me again.

"Ugh, I'm so tired." I lay down and passed out on my bed.


"You were burned by some organic acid." Abe was examining Red's arm from when that sucky thing latched onto it.

"Hmm, I'm lucky that way. Ow." I saw John taking the leech thing out of a brown paper bag.

" I worry about you. " father suddenly said.

"Me?" Red asked, confusion in his voice.

"Both of you. Well, I won't be around forever, you know." I don't want to hear this conversation .

"Damn!" Red suddenly jolted slightly making me jump. " could you be a little careful?"

"Mmhmm." Abe hummed in agreement. "Big baby." Abe muttered . I started laughing. "How long was it latched onto you?" Abe asked as John examined the leech. Before dropping it onto a silver dish.

"I don't know. About five seconds before Ara threw her knife at it." He nodded in pain again.

Professor, look. " Abe addressed father. He pulled out a small yellow sphere that looked like a fish egg, almost. As my father went over to Abe, I took his place next to Red.

"Is it bad?" Red asked, not looking. I put on a serious look and put my hand on his right shoulder.

" I regret to inform you, sir. " I tried not to laugh as I saw Red raise an eyebrow at me. "But I'm afraid that due to the amount of skin cells that were burnt by the organic acid, we'll have to amputate it." Red smirked at me as I couldn't stop the laughter bubbling through my chest.

Abe spoke up again. "Touched you five seconds, laid three eggs." Gross.

" Didn't even buy me a drink. " Red was still looking at me because he didn't want to look at his arm and I was right in front of him on his unharmed side. I laughed at his comment, tears coming to my eyes. Abe took one of the eggs to a microscope to examine.

"The stinger..." At least the thing has a name now, instead of sucky leech. " ...detaches itself from the tongue and injects the eggs. " The screen showed the enhanced micro view of Sammy's eggs, there was a little crocodile version of him in the egg and it relentlessly moved around. "They're very sensitive to heat, light." Burn and blind them all before that hatch. "They need a humid, dark environment to breed."

John spoke up for the first time. "Did you ever lose track of him?"

Red sighed. "Well, let's see. There was that moment when I had the train on top of my head."

" Train? " I muttered as father spoke up.

"We can't risk it. Tomorrow you'll go back to the tracks with a group of agents. Search the whole place, top to bottom. Find those eggs and destroy them." He walked away.

I was sitting on Hellboy's bed as John came in with the tray of food. Red had told me that Liz had said to not go back to her. I felt sorry for him, I really did. My poor brother couldn't have the girl that he wanted.

"How many building does she have to burn down? She belongs here." Red said.

" That's not what she feels. " Our father.

" well she should. We all miss her and she's less likely to explode here. " I put in my thoughts.

"She may never feel it. It's her choice." Red went to his mirror and started filling down his horns again. I sighed as I grabbed a pancake from the stack that John was holding.

"Uh. Professor, the girl you're --" John spoke up but Red's file was louder. John raised his voice. " professor, that girl you're talking about... " Red stopped what he was doing and turned to point at John with his stone hand.

"Hey, boy scout..." I tried to hide my smile in my pancakes. "...think twice." Red almost threatened. John better not have a crush on Liz.

"No, listen, I read her file." I have too. I've read a lot of files.

Red scoffed. "Psh, 'read her file'." He raised his file back to his horns.

John was already talking again. "She blames herself for that explosion in Pittsburgh." We know that, we're a tight knit group of people. "Look, I think I can help." I'd like to see this. Father rolled his eyes in annoyance and glanced at Red because he started filling harder. "I could talk to her. I think I could bring her back." Red stopped and stared at John, still holding the pancakes that he still hadn't put down.

" just what was it that landed you this job pushing 'pancakes' huh? What was it? " Red was not happy. "Punctuality? The way you part your hair? What is your area of expertise?" John was now looking downwards. I felt bad for the poor guy, he was just trying to help.

Later on, father was changing the books for Abe. As John was talking to him.

"He doesn't want me with him. I know that much." Abe took off the neck piece on his suit.

" you're doing fine. " Father reassured him.

"No, I'm not. Look he respects Clay, not me." John expressed his point using his hands. "I'm really sorry, okay? I'm not your guy." As John walked away my father told me to leave and go read Romeo and Juliet, I glanced at Abe and he nodded at me so I complied. They clearly didn't want me to hear his conversation and I didn't want to push them, but now I wish I had listened in. I went to read , giggling to myself as I tried to act some scenes out. After failing miserably I just decided to sleep. 

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