Chapter 12

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Russian Airspace

Hellboy, Liz, Myers and another agent were stood around a crate. Hellboy was holding a printed copy of a drawing of Sammael.

"One falls, two shall arise. Sammael." Hellboy put the paper down after saying this, Manning was stood to the groups right. "We'll have to nail them all at once, and the eggs." Hellboy spoke again, putting his cigar towards his face and studying it. Manning reached behind him and grabbed a belt of grenades, which he had to hid from Aravind because she really liked blowing the 'bad guys' up, as she likes to call them.

"And when we do, no mumbo jumbo." He placed them on the crate, just as Red lit his cigar. "Double-core Vulcan-65 grenades." He sat down and took off his cap before continuing. "We've installed a handy little timer. You set it you walk away. Cable pulls the safety pins. Kaboom." Throughout this, Myers looked like he was going to be sick. "Easy to clean, easy to use." Red closed his lighter at this and everyone parted to do their own thing.

Hellboy stood up and went to the back of the plane. There was a lump of blankets, which he sat next to, blowing out some smoke from the cigar. He placed his right hand, his stone hand, on the bundle, moving it slightly to uncover Ara's face. She was sleeping happily. It had been a few days since sh had slept properly and it had started taking it's toll on her. At that point in time, she had been asleep for several hours, gaining her energy back. Her hair had fallen from her two, neat, low buns and was covering her face. Hellboy tucked it behind her ear lovingly, however he did it absentmindedly.

Liz was sitting next to Myers, smiling at the two siblings that she deeply cared for, before engaging in conversation with the man next to her.

Ara stirred and groggily opened her eyes. "Ahhh, the light! It burns!" She hissed at the dim lights of the plane, pulling the blanket over her head like a turtle, causing her brother to laugh at her. Ara poked her head out of the blanket, her hair now a messy birds nest, glaring at her brother for laughing at her pain.

"Not funny." She grumbled at him, sitting up. He threw his stone arm over her shoulder causing her to wince at the weight. "Heavy handed." She muttered, just quiet enough for no one to hear, or if Red heard the comment, he ignored it.

"Come on, Kat. That was funny." He casually commented. She looked at him in confusion.

"Kat?" She questioned.

"Yeah. The tail,--"

"You have a tail, idiot." He ignored her.

"--the hissing, the reflexes. You're like a cat. Hence the name Kat." He finished.

"Hmm. Okay, yeah. I like that. It's better than floaty." She smirked at him.

"Yeah, I suppose it is." He smiled at her. He pulled her closer so her head lay on his shoulder. He laughed when he heard her snores, meaning she had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Volokolamsk, Moscow

The cars drove down the dusty track. "Sparky to Big Red. Come in." Liz said over the radio, leaning out of the window to look at the crate on the back of the car that she was in. Hellboy was in the wooden box with Ara, who had fallen asleep only to wake up at this moment, he was reading a magazine with a torch. Ara had been reading over his shoulder but fell asleep out of boredom and in the small space that they had for the two large beings, of course, Red being bigger than his sister, even after her change, she hadn't grown any taller.

" 'Sparky'?" Red said with disgust. Liz looked at Myers, who was driving, with a look of amusement. "Who came up with that? Myers?" By the way, Hellboy said Myers, indicated that he still disliked the man. Liz smiled before speaking again.

"Yeah, we're leaving the main road, so hang on," Liz warned them as the siblings were jostled around in discomfort.

"Ow." Ara muttered as she ended up headbutting the wooden wall, A few drops of blue blood dripped from her temple from the impact, which would heal in less than an hour.

"This better be the place or I'll puke." Hellboy commented as he was smashed into the edge, an annoyed shout coming from him. Ara's head shot to her brother with a look of horror.

"Don't you dare! If you throw up on me Red, I swear I'll get you for it!" There was a creak and Red looked up, his expression lightened up. The crate was opened. Due to Ara leaning on where they opened it, she tumbled out, straight onto her back as her legs were up on the edge of the car. She groaned in pain as her eyes watered slightly, she groaned in annoyance when she realized that she was winded.

"You better come out and see." Liz directed it more at Red, as he was still in the box. Manning, Myers and Liz were all squinting slightly at the heavy snow. As they walked away, Hellboy jumped out and grabbed Ara's arm, he pulled her up, smirking at her. She could tell that he was about to comment on her fall, so stopped him as he opened his mouth.

"No. Don't even think about commenting. I don't need any remarks or sarcasm." Ara reprimanded her brother. Red just laughed.

"You've spent too much time around teachers...and boring people." He responded as they started walking.

"Red, I've been with you for the past few weeks. How boring does that make you?" She smirked as she walked ahead, leaving him shocked but not at her, he was shocked at what was in front of them.

Ara looked up. There was a large cemetery in front of them.

"Sebastian Plackba, number 16," Red said, whilst looking towards the cemetery's sign. Ara shivered slightly, she didn't, particularly like graves. She didn't trust them. Partially because her brother had a device that could find a body that could be slightly revived, which she knew that he would be doing that day.

All of the people present walked into the cemetery in search of Rasputin's mausoleum. "Forget it. We're never gonna find Rasputin's mausoleum." Manning had clearly already lost hope in the search, despite the fact that it had only been 5 or 10 minutes. Ara sighed in exhaustion, she had been tensed the whole time, her guard was up. She only slightly remembered what had happened that night her father had died, but she knew that she had to stop Red from becoming evil or from dying. She couldn't lose him and she couldn't allow the human race to be destroyed to a literal Hell on Earth. "Now, what we do here is we make a grid." Manning kept speaking, using hand gestures to Myers as he spoke. "We go in by quadrants. Maybe satellite photography." Ara fought the urge to roll her eyes. As much as she cared for Tom, he had a complete lack of faith that herself or Red had a plan, the thought probably never occurred to the man. Red walked up behind Tom and reached out to pat his shoulder.

"Let me ask for directions." Manning watched Red walk away, a large frown on his face.

"What'd he say?" He asked Myers. Ara sighed again. Myers didn't answer as the two men watched Red walk away.

Ara ran up behind her brother and joined him in walking. He was pulling out the device from the pouch on his belt. "Come on, baby, find me a talker," Ara smirked at how her brother spoke to the object. The device started ticking, the more he walked, the more frantic the ticks became. They stopped outside a partially broken, stone grave. The two pushed off the top and jumped inside.

Red crouched over the end of the wooden coffin, whilst Ara was by the head. Hellboy ripped the lid of the coffin off revealing a rather shrivelled, top half of a man with a noose around his neck. Clearly hung for being a criminal, it probably wasn't suicide. Ara concluded about the corpse before her. "Ain't he a looker," Ara muttered to herself.

"Hi, there." Red pulled out another some beads with a symbol on it. Hellboy says a few ancient words that only Ara and Himself could understand out of the group. He holds the symbol above the corpses head. It jolted slightly and coughed loads of dust into Hellboy's face, making him grimace and Ara jump. It kept coughing, choking and wheezing as it readjusted to being partially alive. It raised its hand slightly as Red spoke. "Come on." Its back arched "Come on." Red raised the symbol as it sat up, the bones cracking. Ara shivered at the sound. It wheezed as it sat up.

"What do you want?" The corpse revealed as Ivan Klimatovich, spoke in a different language, the only ones who could understand him were Ara and Red. The corpse was clearly already irritated with being awoken from death.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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