Chapter 6

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I woke up later on to go to the subway so we can get rid of the eggs. There was me, two agents called Moss and Quarry, Clay, Red and Abe.

"Over here." Abe directed us.

"You said those eggs needs dark and humid? Well, they hit the a jackpot." I commented

Moss (with the map) spoke up. "The subway lines, they all converge right around here. Right below is is the old Vandeveer reservoir. It was abandoned in the mid 30s."

" thanks for the history lesson, buddy. " I sarcastically commented, patting the back of his shoulder. Abe was looking around with his hands.

"There's a pulse." Abe pointed out, my guard went up as I pulled out my knives, surely something was protecting them. "There. .. " he pointed over to a wall. "A cistern on the other side." Red walked to the wall. " most of the eggs are there. "

Clay spoke up. "There's no way in." He turned to his fellow agent, Quarry. " we should go back and request a special permit, type 2--" He was cut off when Red's stone hand made contact with the wall. After a few hits It was down. But when he had finished I kicked a brick out of the wall. He looked at me strangely.

"I wanted to contribute." I shrugged. Red shook his head and stepped through the wall.

We approached the middle of the room and Red lifted up the grate from the gap above the water. The bugs crawled everywhere.

"We lead a charmed life." Abe mentioned as Red nodded at Abe's sarcasm and cracked the two large lights over his arm. He dropped them into the water. Abe took of his suit, ready to get in the water.

"Here you are, doctor." Red held up a small container on a piece of string. " this should cover your tail fin. Reliquary. " Abe reached for it. " straight from the Vatican. A bone from St. Dionysius. Looks like a pinkie. " Abe wrapped it around his wrist.

"Remind me why I keep doing this." I answered.

" rotten eggs and the safety of mankind. " he looked up at me, he nodded in agreement. He then turned his locator on.

Red, Clay and I were walking around. "This doesn't really look like doll's hair. Be honest Red. What do you think?" Clay asked Red about his implants. I laughed at Red's response.

"I'm thinking about doing it myself." He smirked. Red started putting the lights around the room as Clay looked in a mirror at his hair.

" Hey, you guys find anything, or what? " Red asked on his comms.

"No eggs yet, Red." They two agents replied.

" What, are you on a lunch break? " Red continued throwing his lights. I heard a ticking so went to investigate. I held my light to the source. It was Kroenen, from the stories father would tell us.

I shrieked and dropped the light. I stumbled back and tripped on another light. Luckily, Clay caught me in time. Red got out the Samaritan and Kroenen ran. Red chased after him and we chased after Red. I pulled my knives out as we ran.

"Red's on the move. Ara and I'll cover him." Clay told the others as we ran. Red ran down several twists and turns and pretty soon we lost him. "Damn, it Red." Clay muttered. We walked around in search of my brother. Weapons raised. At one point I heard ticking but found nothing.

" ya know, Clay. We haven't spoken for a while. " I commented.

"Really, Ara? Now?" He responded.

" Yup" We were talking for a while before we tried to contact Red.

"Red?" No answer. " Red. Come in, Red. " I panicked. Why wasn't he responding to Clay? "What's your 20? I got no signal. Where the hell are you? It's like Swiss cheese in here."

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