Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling a lot better. I had woken up in Red's room, wrapped in my favourite fluffy throw, lying next to Red, who had also fallen asleep. Afterwards I had gotten dressed out of the hospital gown, that was too big for me. I was trying to help Red write a note to Liz, he was trying to tell her that he loved her, finally! "I'm gonna put these over here, okay?" Myers said holding two large bowls of what looked liked chilli. Since when did Myers get in here? Red raised his hand saying shush repeatedly before responding.

"One minute. One minute." He ripped out another page. There's that one gone.

" Aww, come on Red! That was a good one! " I whined at him. I was sat next to him on his truck bed, trying to release the tension in the stitches on my abdomen and massaging the ones on my face.

"It was too sappy." Red muttered at me. I scoffed playfully and pushed his shoulder causing him to push me over, being careful of my stitches. "Hey, Myers, you're a talker. What's a, what's a good word, a solid word, for 'need'?" Red asked as one of the cats started head butting his notepad.

" Well, uh, 'need' is a good, solid word. " Myers unhelpfully answered.

"Too needy." Red moaned. Seriously? The word 'need' is too 'needy'?

"Jeez, you're so dramatic Red." I chuckled. He childishly pulled his tongue out at me. So I responded like any adult would, I pulled tongues back at him.

"Start in, okay? You got nachos coming." I perked up at this.

" Mmmm. Nachos. " Red replied.

"Oh, my God." A woman's voice said. " look at them all. " Red shot up off the bed. Liz is back? "Who had babies?" Liz questioned. Oh the cats, I thought she meant the mess of Liz love letters scattered on the floor. She picked up a cat as Red kicked the paper away.

Liz looked to me. "Hey, Ara! I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Liz was always like a sister to me and it seemed like nothing has changed since then , which I was glad of.

"Hey, Liz. Yeah, I'm okay I guess, thanks." She gave me a one armed hug, the cat in her other arm.

"Liz, there's something I, uh, I need for you too hear, and it's--" Red asked nervously, I smiled trying to make it look like I wasn't listening.

"Will it take long? Because I'm actually going out." Liz responded. Both mine and Red's heads shot up.

"Out?" We asked simultaneously, before Red continued " 'out' out?" What type of out did he think?

"Yeah. Yeah, for a cup of coffee, but go ahead, read." Coffee? Eww. With who?

" are you going alone? " Really Red? Now you sound sort of stalker-ish.

Liz didn't seem to know how to respond. "No, Myers is taking me." Myers? Oh so I was right earlier, he did start liking her.

Myers picked that moment to walk in front of Red. Great timing, John. "Hey, your chili's getting cold." He's so dead.

" not hungry. " Well he doesn't seem too upset.

"Is there something you'd like me to hear?" Liz questioned my brother.

"It's just a list. Its not finished." Smooth, bro.

" Okay, well then later. See you. " He's so gonna follow them.

"Anything else you need?" Myers asked. Does he not realize what he's done?

"Not from you."

" Well, good night. " Myers responded jokingly, clearly not aware of how annoyed/angry Red was.

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