Chapter 4

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The destination was Machen Library. "Hey! Ara!" She heard Hellboy speak through the comms.

" yeah, Red? " She replied getting her gear on, the fake her could only wear what the real her is wearing, so she has to suit up.

"We're ready for ya." He said. " come get your knives. " she loves her knives, they're efficient and easily concealed although she does carry a gun, just in case things get too messy.

"I'm on my way." She warned him. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her brother, Abe and the garbage truck that they travel in. Then when she opened my eyes, there was smoke around her, before it disappeared. She had just managed to show up before they left the truck.

"Okay, guys, let's sync up our locators." Clay told them. He opened his Jacket to show the little device that they would use. He clicked the top and it made an activation noise before lighting up . They all turned theirs on, everyone's lit up dark blue except for Hellboy's who's turned red. "Seal the doors. Red, Blue and Ara are coming in." Clay spoke through him comm. They all turned to go inside as Clay began to debrief them on what they knew at the time. " 1900 hours, an alarm was tripped. A large entity, type 5, reported. Very aggressive. Six guards dead. "That was when Ara became annoyed , she hates innocent human casualties. 'This type 5 is going down.'

" wait a sec, I thought we checked this place. " Ara asked confused.

"Fakes and reproductions." Hellboy agreed with her.

" Apparently , not everything was fake. " Their father said out of nowhere. Hellboy looked guilty and quickly hid his cigar behind him so their father wouldn't see it. If he didn't already know that Hellboy smoked It would be really surprising.

"Father" Hellboy said formally

"Father" Aravind said smiling, Hellboy and her greeted him at the same time. He looked at Hellboy, the look he gives him when Hellboy is in trouble. He winked at his daughter as she continued to smile.

Two agents brought out the box of weapons, they opened it as the girl looked gleefully at my knives. They were throwing knives that Tom had specially designed for me a few years ago at Christmas. They were double edged with a circle in the middle to hold, there were 4 in total and anyone who didn't have her exact DNA and touched her knives, the metal would start to heat up. Also, if she spun them around her finger they would set on fire. she had trained extensively to use these.

"The entity is still in there. Video surveillance shows a 16th century statue was destroyed." Their father spoke whilst Hellboy and Ara geared up. "St. Dionysus the Areopagite."

" who wards off demons. " The siblings said in sync.

"Exactly. The statue however was hollow." As Broom says this Abe crouches down by the door.

" a reliquary. " Hellboy said, suddenly interested.

Broom shook his head and chuckled "A prison." Abe had now taken off his right glove and place his hand on the door. " the Vatican seemed it's occupant dangerous enough to include it on The list of Avignon, of which, by the way, we hold a copy. "

"Perfect job for these babies." Hellboy said, holding up bullets with holy water in the nib. " made them myself. " Hellboy gloated to John. "Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak. The works." Hellboy was just showing off now. He opened the barrel of his large pistol, the Samaritan, and started to load it. Abe suddenly gasped and pulled away from the door, Aravind was standing next to him and looked to him with worry. He turned to everyone.

"Behind this door, a dark entity. Evil, ancient and hungry." Abe said in a warning tone.

Hellboy sighed "Oh, well. Let me go in and say hi." he cocked his gun.

Hellboy's sister (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now