Chapter 3

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1 week later

Aravind was in the Library with Abe and her father, who had just gotten back from his doctors appointment, although no one knew that this is where he had been. Someone came through the door.

"Hello?" Came a voice she didn't recognize. Luckily she was behind a corner and wasn't seen, she didn't think this guy was a threat, after all threats don't tend to call out hello. He walked further into the room next to Abe's tank.

"Turn the pages, please, if you don't mind." Abe's voice came from the tank. The guy walked up to Abe probably confused as to who was talking. Abe swam up to the glass startling the guy. Whilst Aravind tried to suppress her laugh, Abe spoke again "please. The pages".

The guy, after getting over his shock replied "These? You're reading these?" Broom chooses this moment to speak up.

"Four books at once, everyday as long as I'm there to turn the pages." The duo were now standing in front of the desk. "My name's Broom. Professor Trevor Broom."

"Sir, I'm John--" The man spoke up shaking the professor's hand, until Abe interrupted with his hand on the glass.

"Agent John T. Myres, Kansas city. '76. T stands for Thaddeus, mother's older brother. Scar on your chin happened when you were 10." John subconsciously reaches for his scar. Aravind remembered him, she read his file, some people who work on the computers never lock them after use, so she's read a few files and then deleted the history of what she had looked at so no one would know that she was looking at classified files. "You still wonder if it's ever going to fade away."

" how did it--? " Aravind became annoyed and interjected.

"He. Not 'it'." She stuck up for my friend. Father continued .

"Abraham Sapien. Discovered alive in a secret chamber of St.Trinian's founding hospital, Washington. His name was taken from this inscription stuck to the side of his tank."

"icthyo sapiens, April 14 1865." Myres read out.

" The day that Abraham Lincoln died. Hence, Abe sapien. " after her Father said this, Aravind picked up the metal tongs and picked up one of the green rotten eggs from the metal bowl. she heard Myers groan in disgust whilst covering his nose with his right hand.

"Rotten eggs."she told him whilst putting a few of them in a tube before pushing the bottom up and it went to Abe's tank. "A delicacy. Abe loves 'em." After putting down the tongs, she held my hand out to Myres, a greeting her father made her do when meeting someone new. " I'm Aravind, but my friends and family call me Ara. I'm Broom's daughter. I hope you don't mind if I call you John, I hate formalities. " she spoke quickly, but somehow he caught what she said.

"Hi, Yes you can call me John if I can call you Ara." He replied with a friendly smile, 'I like him, he hasn't looked at me like I'm a freak. Most tend to because of my blue tinted skin but Red gets really annoyed when I think of myself that way although we all say that about ourselves.' She thought " How does he know so much about me? " John asked her.

"I don't know the technical terms so I'll let my father explain it."She was never very good at biology or remembering the terms and names so it would be better if she didn't attempt at explaining Abe's abilities.

"Abe possess a unique frontal lobe. 'unique.' That's a word you'll hear frequently around here."

" sir where am I, exactly? " John asked. Broom started to explain.

"As you entered the lobby, there was an inscription: 'In the absence of light, darkness prevails.' There are things that go bump in the night, Agent Myers. Make no mistake about that." At this point Myers looked slightly scared. " and we are the ones who bump back. "

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