Chapter 9

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3rd Person point of view

The young girl under the table was beyond distraught. Her eyes were glazed over. "Daddy" she was whimpering. It was the first time she had said that word in decades. But her pained voice fell on deaf ears as she sobbed for the second time that day. After a while agents found Broom's body and then found Aravind frozen under the table, a discarded and long forgotten book of Romeo and Juliet next to her. They tried to coax her out, but the girl couldn't hear them, her mind was elsewhere. She had literally made her fake self appear where her brother was, stalking Liz and John, she opened her eyes to find herself on a roof top next to Hellboy and a young boy. Normally, she loved kids, but she was too distraught to concentrate on the boy. Tears were streaming down her face, she fell to her knees, unable to hold herself up anymore. Hellboy watched in shock as Liz was crying after an agent had told her something and then his sister had appeared literally out of thin air, distraught, before falling to her knees. He sent the kid away, telling him that he was busy with his spy mission and that it was too dangerous for the kid to be out then. Straight afterwards Red got on his knees next to his sister and pulled her side into his chest, giving her sideways hug. Confusion covered his face as he desperately tried to figure out what was wrong with Ara. "Go back to me, I need you." She sobbed, looking up at him with tears forcing their way down her blue cheeks. That was all she said before disappearing and leaving Hellboy with bewilderment in his eyes, shocked at her few words.

She had become completely consumed by grief and guilt that she couldn't function properly. The agents knew that they need Hellboy to help her but he was missing, so they found Liz and John instead. They didn't know that Hellboy was there and had already made his was to the Bureau to find out what had happened.

The library, which was once her safe haven, was where she could read and talk to Abe and her father but now it looked like a crime scene. Numbers where next to the evidence and they even bagged Professor Broom's rosary. A man was going around taking pictures, even capturing one at the perfect angle of Aravind's face, clearly showing the distraught in her different coloured eyes. After all of this she still only stared straight ahead of her.

Hellboy had walked in, ignoring his surroundings and pushing through agents, he got to his father's body. He too was distraught but not as broken as his sister. He dropped to his knees next to the body. Tom Manning could be seen, behind his shoulder, arms crossed and stern faced before setting his eyes onto the floor solemnly.

Hellboy lifted up his father's head and held onto him in a last proper goodbye. When he had finished his long hug he realized that his sister was missing. Remembering Aravind's brief words, he approached Manning, clearing his throat before he spoke. " Where is she? " The usually loud man was now quiet and Manning barely caught what he had said.

"She's not in very good shape." He nodded towards the table. " We've tried everything but she just won't move. " Hellboy nearly snapped when Manning mentioned how badly Aravind was doing, the girl had just lost her only parent that she's ever had, of course she wasn't doing well.

He made his way over to the table and crouched down. He was shocked at how bad she looked, despite not moving, Aravind's hair was a knotted mess as she had repeatedly tugged at it to calm herself, her face was stained with tear tracks, her pale blue skin seemed to have developed a sickly green glow, her eyes were a mixture of dry and wet, wet from her tears but dry from not blinking for long periods of time.

"H-hey..." Hellboy swallowed thickly, trying to be strong for Aravind, who needed him more than anything now but her constant soft mutterings of 'Daddy' hurt him. She truly was breaking down. "...kid." No response, he had expected as much. He wasn't even sure if she was listening, but he didn't stop trying. "Ara, come out of there. We can go to your room and get some rest. I'll even stay with you until you fall asleep." By this point, the young adult's eyes, which showed how vulnerable she was, had moved from staring directly in front of her, to her brother, she could see how affected he was by this. She could tell that her brother, as well as herself, was hurting in so many ways but she could also see that because of her state, he could see that she was cracking like thin ice and if he went too quickly, she would break quicker and wouldn't be fixable, her state worsened his. He had noticed her eyes moving and had made eye contact with her. "Ara, please move forward. I can't get to you there." He pleaded with her. She complied, she was now finding it difficult to hold up her own head. She scooted closer and hugged her knees to her chest. Realizing that she wouldn't move anymore than that, he took off his trench coat and laid it on her like a blanket, he then proceeded to put one arm under her knees and one across her back, carrying her bridal style to her room. Her head thumped softly to his shoulder, exhaustion and fatigue weighing on her.

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