Chapter 10

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Liz was sitting outside Abe's recovery tank, talking about how she's worried about the two siblings that she loved, of course both in different ways. "He hasn't spoken to anybody in three days. Not a word. Ara has been trying to lighten the mood but...he won't even talk to her. He won't eat, he won't sleep. I've never seen him like this. Never." During the time Liz was speaking, Abe was floating upside down and trying to complete his rubix cube. "Should I stay? With him, I mean."

Abe sighed before speaking. "Hmm, Listen, I'm not much of a problem solver. Three decades..." He motioned to the cube "...I've only completed two sides. But I do know this much. If there's trouble, all us freaks have is each other." Liz smiled slightly at her friend's comment. "And I'm stuck here. So, take care of the big monkey and the floater for me, will you?" Abe asked sincerely, putting his hand on the glass as Liz nodded and placed her hand on the opposite side of the glass.

Aravind sighed in relief as she watched the scissors cut away her hair. The way Kroenen had grabbed it and smashed her into a wall made her realize that having it too long was a disadvantage when in hand-to-hand combat. Looking in the mirror, Aravind had noticed that her eyes had completely changed colour. Instead of her usual green and blue mismatched eyes, both of her eyes were now only green. Confused and slightly alarmed, the girl wandered out of her bathroom and went straight to the chest of drawers that resided across the room from her bed. She tugged open the stiff white drawers to retrieve some clean clothes, desperate to get rid of the clothes that she had been wearing for the past three days. Hurriedly, Aravind went back to her bathroom, peeled off her grimy clothes and stepped into the shower, failing to realize her hair slowly changing in the mirror on her way past.

She sighed in relief as the hot water hit her head. A perk of her being a demon was that the scolding hot temperature wouldn't affect her like it did humans, something that she was grateful for. After a good hour of scrubbing herself clean, the girl got out of the shower, got dressed into her favourite fox knitted jumper and went to the mirror to inspect her eyes again to check for any change. 

What she did not expect was that all off her had changed

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What she did not expect was that all off her had changed. Her hair, despite that she had just cut it, was no longer as well as being red, two traits that it had never been before. Her eyes were glowing green and her skin was a lot warmer looking. She almost looked human, her eyes were now green and her skin was now warm looking, a complete contrast as to what she was before. If she had said that she had disliked her new look at all, would be a lie, She loved it but that didn't stop her from being confused yet curious as to what had set off this change. So Aravind went to the only place where she knew where she'd find correct answers, her father's library.

After several hours of scouring books she had found one in particular. It was navy blue with no writing on the outside, not revealing what purpose this book had. Inside the cover was a note written in pencil, her father's hand-writing sticking out to her, 'like a dove amongst crows' she had thought to herself, subconsciously quoting Romeo and Juliet. The note was a message to her. It read:

'Dear Aravind,

You are growing older and due to you not being human, I can not help you with some things that may come to pass. This book shall explain to you what you need to know.

Love, your father.'

Aravind nearly started crying, but she had done enough of that in the past week so kept the tears at bay. Opening the book and skimming through some pages, she had found what she was looking for. The part she was looking for was named 'Changes in some female demons'. Interested she read on. It told her about how there was a special chemical inside of her that would burst when she had an incredibly emotional, traumatic experience. It would react with the chemical that was naturally in her body and would change a few features and skill sets. Satisfied, the girl placed her book down, before yawning and raising her hands above her head, clasping her fingers she stretched until she heard and felt the large pop in her spine, she relaxed and drifted to sleep. Her head resting on her folded arms on the table, her newly acquired red hair shielding her face from the light.

Aravind was startled awake by her brother flinging her out of her chair. She skidded across the floor like a cat, her legs bent behind her, left hand on the floor in front of her as her right was next to her. That was new, her reflexes were usually a lot slower than that. "Who the hell are you?" Hellboy questioningly growled at what he thought was a trespassing stranger, not stopping to think of how a stranger would even be able to get anywhere near the property. Aravind stood up from he crouched position, pushing herself to her tippy toes as she tried to click her neck and back.

"I would have thought that you would recognize someone who you had spent the last few days grieving with." The girl replied sassily, annoyed from being disturbed from her sleep, only just noticing the Samaritan being pointed at her.

"Aravind?" Hellboy questioned, lowering his gun slightly. "You can't be, you look too different." He raised his gun again. She floated towards her brother.

"My face is still the same." She reassured him before landing on the floor again. He looked closer and confirmed to himself that it was her. He gave her a questioning glance so she showed him what she had read. He read the book cautiously, making sure she wasn't lying. After confirming that it was indeed his sister, he hugged her and apologized for ignoring her since the funeral. Of course, she was more than understanding, having literally gone through the same thing. The pair were quiet, both doing their own things. Aravind was sitting in front of the fire, having just discarded a book that she was reading. Hellboy was looking through the book that their father was reading before being killed. The reason Aravind had put down her book was because she had started feeling an uncomfortable sharp feeling on her tailbone. Shortly afterwards she had discovered a long, slim, red tail. Her tail had a spade shape at the end, like the devil in cartoon style pictures, the edges of the spade seemed to have sharp blades and if she swung her tail hard enough, they could slice through most things with ease. The girl got up from the warmth of the fire and went to her brother. She stood behind him before speaking. "Um, Red?" He hummed in reply, she continued. "So, ya know about this whole changing appearance thing? Well..something else has changed." He turned to face his sister, confusion in his eyes. She smiled sheepishly, before allowing her tail to swing out from behind her back. His eyes lit up.

"That's cool, Ara. I guess I'm not the only monkey 'round here then, huh?" He teased her. She laughed. It felt good to laugh. She glad that she could laugh with her brother again. Despite being in the same room as him the past three days, she had felt so lonely but couldn't bring herself to leave him in that state just to seek company for herself, she'd feel really guilty if she did that.

"Hey. I'm gonna have to change my name." Ara told her brother in a joking tone. He looked at her questioningly. "Aravind? It means blue lotus. I'm not blue anymore." She smirked at him as he shoved her playfully, nearly knocking her over. She regained her balance and leaned against her brother's shoulder, smiling happily.

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