Part 10

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"Let us see her! I'm telling you, if you won't, I'm gonna beat your ass!" Yusuke threatens Koenma as Kurama backs him up in silence, his eyes narrowed in spite. Botan stands sobbing in the corner.

It's been a few days since they beat the Saint beast. Yusuke only woke up today and one of the first things that came to his ears was that Koenma had stuffed May somewhere without giving an explanation where and why. All he knows is that she was attacked by a shit-load of ghouls.

"Will you shut up for a moment and let me talk!" Koenma shouts back, huffing in annoyance as Yusuke takes a reluctant step back.

Koenma lowers his voice as he starts to speak. "May got overwhelmed by the amount of ghouls, her very soul has been damaged. While I managed to fix that; she has absorbed so much of their evil energy that I fear she will never be the same again." he explains, making the tree others fear for their friend.

"It also made her quite powerful. My father is afraid she will turn against us and thus she is being subdued at the moment. There are a few options I'm looking into, but none are very forward." he finishes.

After a moment of letting the information sink in, Kurama is the first to step forward. "Is it possible that we can see her?" he questions, a frown of worry etched into his face.

Koenma hesitates before glancing around. Finally he nods. "We can go see her, but only briefly. Officially she is being held in seclusion. If King Enma finds out, we're in big trouble." he says worriedly before opening a portal.

"Quiet now." he tells them before leading the way. Yusuke is the first to rush in after him, followed by Kurama. Botan stifles her sobs before entering last, leaving the office empty.

They find themselves in a stark white hallway, leading up to several doors. It reminds Kurama a little bit too much of a hospital as the scent of bleach reaches his nose.

Koenma stops in front of a door that is covered in ofuda. Kurama can feel the energy radiate from them. A barrier has been set around the room, to keep May in he assumes. The whole thing unsettles him.

Koenma opens the door and lets them in. Their eyes settle on May, who lies silently on a bed. Her body is strapped to it with thick bands, more charms placed on her.

A black substance is crusted at the corners of her mouth and her skin is pale and sickly looking. There are large blue ridges under her eyes, giving her the appearance of someone who hasn't slept in days, even though her eyes are closed now.

Botan glances at Koenma for approval before quietly shuffling over towards May, reaching out a hand to feel her skin. It's cold. Immediately Botan has to bite her tongue to keep from crying again.

As the boys step closer, May starts to stir, her eyes fluttering open. She glances around in a daze.

"May?" Kurama asks quietly and carefully before her eyes focus on him. They are darker than before he notices.

"Kurama?" she whispers before attempting to get up, only to find herself bound. She frowns as she lets herself fall back in defeat. "I forgot about those." she mutters.

"Does she have to be tied up like that? This is May we're talking about." Yusuke hisses through his teeth at Koenma, upset at seeing her like that.

Koenma only glances at him, feeling just as upset, but there is little he can do for her right now, lest his father find out.

Suddenly May starts to wiggle, her breath quickening. A film of sweat starts to cover her face.

"What's wrong?" Botan asks her, putting a hand to May's forehead to feel her skin burning. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as throws her head to the side, throwing up an inky black substance. Botan barely manages to dodge.

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