Part 17

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"Hn. So I was right." a voice behind May speaks up, making her jump.

"Good God Hiei! Can you not do that?!" she scowls at him as he comes into step with her.

"It's not my fault you are not on guard." he retorts before continuing. "I can sense you using your energy."

May frowns for a moment, glancing down at the poppy resting in the breast pocket of her blouse. Kurama gave it to her to practice on. She's to keep it alive with her energy, but not feed it too much so it will start leading a life of its own. She's been carrying it around for two days now, since they returned from the mountains. The fragile little flower has been looking damn happy ever since.

The boys are at school while she tries to pass the time once again; this being a new project to work on and one of high priority.

"Just don't snitch to Koenma when you see him." May mutters, keeping up her pace. To where? Who knows?

"Hn. I wouldn't converse with the fool if I had a choice." Hiei huffs in reply, leaving it at that.

May nods. "So, lunch?" she offers, redirecting herself towards a shop. She's not surprised to find Hiei following her.

"As long as you're paying." is all he says.

A few days later, May finds herself on her way to Genkai's temple. She just has to check on Yusuke for a bit and she guesses the best way to go at it, is to show up unannounced. That way Genkai will not be able to say no before hand.

May resists the urge to curse as she reaches the way too long stairs leading to the temple. She used to be able to just teleport herself there. Now she has to rely on her skinny human legs and complete lack of stamina to get up there.

Pumping herself up for the undoubtedly long climb she gets started, knowing she will not get anywhere if she just keeps standing there.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't miss Death herself. Or whatever you are now." Genkai says unimpressed as May collapses at her feet at the top of the stairs. May isn't surprised to find the old woman waiting there for her. She just hopes she won't be kicked down the damn stairs.

"Shut...up." May gasps, struggling to catch her breath, not in the mood.

Genkai eyes her still. "It looks like things went south with you quickly huh?" she pushes, turning on her heel before marching to the temple.

May pushes herself to her feet, forcing herself to follow after Genkai, knowing she will lead her to Yusuke.

"Things have changed...obviously. Now will you stop rubbing it in my face?" May huffs, frowning.

"Maybe, if I feel like it." Genkai mutters, smirking to herself in a satisfied manner. She warned May countless of times not to overdo it. Of course she would not listen.

May follows Genkai into the temple and to the back where there are rooms equipped for training. She can sense Yusuke's energy before she sees him and she already can tell the difference, even though it hasn't been that long. She can't help but wonder what kind of strength he will possess after the two full months of training are over.

Stepping into the room he's in, she can see him trying his hardest to balance on his finger on a sharp point, with only his spirit energy holding him up. His legs already sway precariously, but when he notices May watching him, his distraction gets the best of him. May watches him tumble down in a heap, causing Genkai to sigh.

"Ten minutes." she tells the both of them before leaving them to themselves.

"May... What are you doing here?" Yusuke blinks in wonder, gathering his breath.

May smiles. "Just here to check up on you, so I can tell the others you're okay and to satisfy my own curiosity for a bit." she admits with a shrug. "People are haunting me about your whereabouts." she explains.

"I figured as much." Yusuke sighs, grabbing a towel he had put aside and wiping the sweat off of his face.

"It's good to see you doing well. You have already improved, I can tell." she says to him, making him smirk in satisfaction.

"Yeah? And the others?" he questions as he sits himself down, motioning her to join him. She does so.

"Kuwabara and Kurama are training hard. I suppose Hiei is as well, but I haven't seen much of him lately." she tells him.

"And mom and Keiko?" he asks next, making her smile softly again in assurance.

"They are worried, but doing okay." she answers.

"What about you?" he then asks, catching her off guard.

"What about me?" she asks in return, catching his intend gaze.

"There's something different about you." he states, trying to see into her soul with his big brown eyes.

May looks down for a moment, wondering if she should tell him.

"Is it bad?" he wonders trying to look at her face, frowning.

May shrugs. "It's..." she starts, picking her nails. "It could be of consequence." she tells him vaguely, annoying Yusuke.

"Well spit it out!" he urges. "You're making me nervous. Besides, we're practically family now." he continues, his voice softening.

May can't help but purse her lips as she attempts to hide her amusement and how happy that actually makes her feel. "Fine." she states, sighing. "It has to do with Kuram-" she starts to explain before Yusuke interrupts her.

"What about Kurama?! Did he do something to you, because I will kick that pretty boy's ass if I got to." he threatens, startling May.

"Wha-?! No! Well, maybe...uh. Just let me explain for a minute." she sighs. "What I was trying to tell you; is that it has to do with his life energy which he gave me to resurrect me. I've been experiencing some side-effects." she tells him, making him blink curiously.

"Just take a look." she urges, taking the poppy she still is carrying around out of the bun in her hair. She focuses on it and Yusuke gapes as it opens and closes at her will. "I gained some of his powers." she explains.

"That is actually pretty cool." he notes after a moment.

"Probably not as much if a certain ruler of Spirit world finds out about it." May counters.

"Huh? Binky breath wouldn't dare to do anything against you." Yusuke tells her.

"He might not, but his father would. I was supposed to be stripped of all powers remember? What will happen if he finds out?" she tells Yusuke worriedly.

Yusuke thinks it over, but he can't provide her with an answer. "Well, whatever happens; we've got your back." he promises, making her smile faintly.

"Thanks Yusuke." she says before they fall into a long silence.

"About that fifth member..." Yusuke starts suddenly, just when May thought he might not speak anymore. "It's been covered apparently." he informs May.

"By whom?" she wonders curiously.

Yusuke shrugs. "Beats me. I'm just passing the message the old hag told me."

May tilts her head curiously before said hag walks into the room, pointing at May. "You. Out." she motions to the door.

May groans, before turning to Yusuke as they both get to their feet. "Gotta go. Your warden is kicking me out." she jokes, making him grin. "Take care Yusuke."

"You too." he nods, wiping his thumb under his nose. A thing he does, she notices, whenever he's really glad or feeling awkward, but only around those he cares for. May is glad to belong to that select group.

"Bye Yusuke."

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