Part 18

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May wakes up to darkness around her. The only thing illuminating the inside of her tent are the flashes of lightning. The rain clatters onto the tarp loudly. The weather has taken a turn for the worst, but May takes comfort in the noise. With a small smile, she turns to he side, ready to snuggle deeper in her sleeping bag. That is when a drop of water lands on her bare foot, shocking her further awake.

Carefully, she runs her toes over the bottom of her tent, only to pull in back quickly when she finds a puddle.

"Oh no." she gasps, quickly sitting upright and searching around for her lantern that she hung up above her head. She flicks it on and sees her tent leaking, a steady dripping creating a growing puddle on the floor.

She quickly yanks her sleeping bag out of the way, the bottom right corner already soaking up the moist. "Damnit!" she curses. How will she able to sleep like this? If the rain won't let up soon, all her stuff will be soaked by morning.

She zips open her tent, looking around hastily. Kurama is still awake; his tent's flap is still open as he sits cross-legged at the entrance, reading a book. He looks up questioningly at the sound of her opening her tent.

"I'm drowning here!" she calls over the clatter of the rain.

She watches him throw his book aside, before grabbing his jacket. He covers his head with it before rushing out into the rain towards her.

"Grab your things. Here, I'll take your sleeping bag." he offers, holding out one hand. May throws it at him and he folds it, covering it with his body as best as he can.

May stuffs her other things in her bag before moving to step out into the rain. "Here." Kurama says, giving her his coat, draping it over her frame. It's warm. "Come on." he urges then, grabbing her wrist and pulling her over to his tent.

They quickly crawl inside, dumping her stuff in the corner. His tent is a bit bigger that May's and has some unused space. May quickly notes it's completely dry. Leave it to Kurama to come up there with some trustworthy equipment.

After taking a moment to pout at her own tent, she turns to Kurama, who is standing next to her, hunched over so he can stand without hitting his head. May can barely stand upright herself, but she can manage.

She hands him back his coat, smiling. "Thanks for the rescue, but you got yourself all wet." she say, noting his now dripping hair. It appears blood red when it's wet.

He just shrugs. "It's fine." he tells her, returning the smile. "This rain will continue for a while longer. You can stay here tonight if you like. We can try and salvage your tent in the morning or call Kuwabara to ask if he can take a spare one with him before he sets off this way tomorrow." he offers.

"Uh, sure. Thanks." May says hesitantly. She knows she has little choice, but the situation is a bit embarrassing.

Kurama shivers just then. The rain has soaked his shirt and the water dripping from his hair doesn't help either.

"Excuse me." he says before turning around, getting on his knees before pulling off his shirt. May can't help but blush, quickly looking away as Kurama searches for some dry clothes. She opts for staring into the rain outside instead.

"What?" she asks, suddenly noticing that Kurama asked her something.

"I asked if you would care for a game?" he repeats, holding up a deck of cards for her to see. A towel is draped over his head as he was also in the midst of drying his hair.

May nods in answer, eager to distract herself from her embarrassment.

They sit across from each other after May laid out her sleeping bag, going a few rounds before they decided to call it a night. May was starting to nod off by then.

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