Part 38

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May stares at the back of the boy she hasn't seen in a few days now. He's seated, staring into the darkness of the cave in which he received his final training from Genkai.

"May." his sorrow filled voice calls, sensing her presence there.

She steps forward, crouching down beside him. "Koenma told me I could find you here." she says quietly, taking a look at his face. She doesn't need to ask him how he's feeling.

"Yusuke, Genkai asked me to give you a message." she starts, making his glistening eyes turn to hers.

"You've talked to her?" he questions.

She nods in reply. She has indeed been to see Genkai before she passed on. It was a conversation that sorted out her feelings and now she hopes to do the same for Yusuke.

"She says, 'I really had to struggle, because you were such a poor pupil. I don't want to see your mug for a good while, so don't be coming over here'." May quotes directly from Genkai's mouth. When she told May to pass the message, she couldn't help but smile. That's Genkai for you.

"Also, she had a final request; 'Win', she said." May finishes, watching Yusuke hang on to every word.

"T-that old hag..." he stammers, new tears setting themselves free and rolling down his already wet cheeks.

He briskly wipes at them, gritting his teeth as a new form of determination settles in his mind. He jumps to his feet, surprising May. She looks up at him as he looks to the stars with a smile.

He takes a stance, pointing his finger to the sky. "Genkai, here is my reply!"

A tremendous amount of Spirit energy starts to whip around him like an angry wind. May quickly gets to her feet, staring at him in wonder. He's grown so much stronger. "I'll drive it all the way to the Spirit world!"

Finally he fires his salute to Genkai, shooting it off into the atmosphere above like a shooting star. It takes a long time for it to disappear from sight. Every being on the island must have taken notice to it as it illuminated everything for a moment. He exhales, letting his arms fall to his side as he continues to watch the light soar through the sky.

"Do you think it reached her?" he wonders quietly as May comes to stand next to him, following his line of sight.

She smiles slightly. "I'm sure it did." she nods, leaning closer to Yusuke as he puts his arm around her shoulders in comfort. "Loud and clear." she muses, whiping a lonely tear from her eye.


Later, May barges into her shared bedroom with a loud yawn. She barely manages to close the door behind her before letting herself face first into the sheets, releasing a deep sigh of contentment at the feeling of the expensive cotton underneath her fingertips.

Today has been hellish to say the least. She can't wait to drift of into a peaceful sleep. She can't even be bothered to change into nightclothes. However, there is one thing missing that is keeping her from doing so.

The bed dips next to her. Oh, there he is. She hums in pleasure as nails gently rake through her hair and over her scalp, her muscles turning to putty. This is nice.

With a tired smile she turns to look up at Kurama, only to get the shock of her life. She tumbles, head first, off the bed with a shriek. The notion is followed by an amused chuckle.

Holding onto her chest to keep her heart from bursting out at the surprise, May peers over the edge of the bed to see if her eyes aren't playing tricks on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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