Part 32

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They look on horrified as they watch their friend being beat up by a reinforced Risho, cringing as they hear his bones crack when Risho's armor comes into contact with his body.

There is little Kuwabara can do in return but to get up every time. He just doesn't have the strength to summon his Spirit sword. His chance of survival is growing more and more slim.

But... he just keeps getting back to his feet.

May wonders if him doing the honorable thing is really worth it at this point. Maybe it's better to go with Hiei plan of action before they are forced to bury the brave boy. She shivers at the thought.

After a particularly horrid strike, it really doesn't appear like he has anything left. So when Koto starts up another countdown, it looks like all hope is lost, but again he staggers to his feet, just in time. But it will most likely be the last time he will manage that.

"I can't watch anymore." May says, closing her eyes, feeling nauseous.

Risho smirks. "You're a fool! If you just stayed down, you would have had an easier death."

Kuwabara wipes a trickle of blood from his lips. "I ain't gonna die! Not alone that is! I'm taking you with me!" he declares determinately.

He turns to Yusuke, his expression one of resignation. "I'll leave the rest to you." he states, making their hearts freeze. He really has every intention of dying!

He and Risho rush towards each other full force, clashing. He grips onto Risho with all his strength, planning to end it, somehow...

"Kazuma!" a high voice screams in despair, loud enough to rise over all the other noise in the stadium. Ad that voice triggers something within Kuwabara.

With a feat of remarkable strength, he smashes Risho aside and out of the ring before cheerfully bounding towards where a girl with mint green hair and ruby eyes awaits like a happy little lamb.

"Huh? What happened?" May wonders, pulling her hands aside when she practically heard Kuwabara squeal.

"Who knows?" Kurama states, blinking in surprise as well. He's never seen the likes of it.

Risho isn't down yet though and rushes towards Kuwabara who seems all pumped up and energetic. He whips out his Spirit sword and with one slash, destroys Risho's armor.

He follows up with a swing like a bat and hurtles Risho high up into the stands.

He rushes back to the ring before Koto ends the ten count she started when both of them left the ring and scrambles on in the nick of time and thus winning the match for his team and having them advance to the semi-finals.

"Right then..." Yusuke mutters with his arms crossed, still baffled by what his friend just pulled off. One minute he's about to die, the next... Jeez.

"Ugh. Wake me up tomorrow. I'm done." May sighs, not caring how it looks as she drops onto her back and closes her eyes.


Yusuke dumps May on her bed, looking down at her for a moment, watching her curl up before smiling. He glances at Kurama who slowly lowers himself on his own bed. "Looks like you softened her up pretty good."

Kurama pauses as he raises a curious brow at Yusuke who just smiles knowingly for a moment before turning to the door. "Rest up!" he calls over his shoulder before exiting.

Kurama stares at the door for a moment before turning to May who snores softly. She put in a lot of energy to combat the Shimaneki grass deeply rooted in his body.

He counted on her to help him like she did before, for he wasn't sure he would survive otherwise. And again she proved a great help to him. He finds he has to be careful though, because she was willing to prove that she is will to put her own life on the line if it will help him in any way.

He would do the same the other way around of course... But he can't have her get hurt on his behalf. He sees it as his task to protect her for as long as he's able. Should he fail; he's afraid what dark path that would lead him on.

He gets to his feet, walking over to her before laying a soft kiss on her forehead, his mouth curving into a smile as she smiles subconsciously before relaxing again.

Turning he steps into the bathroom to clean himself up before going to bed as well. He too could use a peaceful night's sleep.


May yawns as she steps out of the bedroom the next morning, seeing Yusuke and Kuwabara shoveling food down their throats and Kurama quietly reading a book as he sips at his tea. Hiei and the Mask are nowhere to be seen as usual.

Kurama's eyes meet her for a moment, narrowing a little in amusement as she tries hard to flatten her bed head, causing her to blush in embarrassment.

Yusuke catches the silent interaction and jumps up, pulling May close as he wraps an arm around her shoulder. He smiles mischievously in Kurama's direction before turning to Kuwabara who is still eating like he can't get enough.

"Hey Kuwabara, don't you think these two are a little bit too comfortable with sleeping in the same room together?" Yusuke questions, his arms still slung over a red faced May. She eyes him wearily.

Kuwabara shrugs. "They slept in the same tent together for days. So what?"

Yusuke grins like a lecher. "Oh yeah? And you don't think they've ever done anything? All those nightly hours with just the two off them...?" he says suggestively, brows raised.

"Yusuke!!" May shouts, reeling on him, embarrassment clear on her face.

Yusuke grins stupidly before his eyes fall on Kurama, who is quietly observing them, a hint of humor in his eyes as he fingers the donkey ear on the page of his book. Yusuke's face suddenly drops like a ton of bricks. "Oi. Kurama..." he starts.

"He's not even denying it..." Kuwabara gapes, wide-eyed.

May assesses Yusuke with curiosity, his eyes hard as they are set on the fox demon who meets his gaze unrelenting. The tension in the air is rising.

"Yusuke, might I point out that you are giving off mixed signals as to your approval." Kurama finally speaks up in a clinical way.

The black haired boy scoffs. "Yeah? Well that was before a joke turned into reality. Are you at least treating her right?" he pushes, his tone promising pain if he doesn't like what he hears coming out of his friend's mouth.

Kurama's lip twitches in amusement. "Of course. I'd never do anything she wouldn't want me to." he states bluntly, making Yusuke mutter 'Too much info' under his breath. May puts a hand to her face in a lame attempt at hiding. She wishes she could run off from this crazy showdown, but Yusuke's hold on her is too tight.

Kurama then smiles, casting away his teasing nature for Yusuke's and May's sanity. "Don't worry Yusuke. My only wish is to make May happy. I wouldn't dare to hurt her in any way or break her trust in me for that matter." he assures the boy, glancing at May who blushes, her lips quirking into a timid smile.

Yusuke finally relaxes, a smile appearing on his face as he drops his 'big-brother-mode'. How he even got the part is anyone's guess. May has been around way longer after all.

"That's all I want to hear." Yusuke says, giving Kurama the thumbs up.

Kuwabara blinks stupidly, pointing to the demon and the girl. "So you two are like together? For real?" he questions.

Kurama nods. "Though I would like to request some discretion on your behalf. I am currently not the most popular one around." he hints.

"Ah. Right, got it." Kuwabara nods in understanding.

At that moment Hiei steps into the room, wiping crumbs from his face. He eyes everyone as they stare at him. "What?" he asks stonily.

"Kurama and May are dating." Kuwabara blurts out, making Kurama sweat drop.

"Hn. What else is new?" Hiei scoffs in disinterest before claiming May's and Kurama's bathroom.

The two share a look, May shrugging pathetically while Kurama sighs. They are not looking forward to the girls finding out.

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