Part 29

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The now free men have left the stadium with their master, ready to go home. The others are ready to retreat to the hotel as well, considering Kuwabara's bones are near rattling from the blow he received.

Their retreat however is thwarted by an announcement made; "We will now hold the third round of the tournament!"

"What?!" Yusuke exclaims in disbelief, realizing it's them that have to fight again.

"Once again; the third round will be held now. The competing teams are the Urameshi team and the Mashotsukai team!" the announcer calls.

"They are at it again." May sneers in distaste towards the corrupt organization of the event.

Yusuke runs into the ring, seething as he cusses them, coming to a stop before Koto who looked just as surprised. She can't do anything about it.

Yusuke puts his hard feelings aside. "Alright, we'll do it then! I'm still worked up after what happened with Ichigaki."

May looks on worriedly as the other team is called forward. She can't tell who they are with their cloaks, but they are all still fit to fight, while half of her team is a bit worse for wear. This won't be easy.

Botan helps Kuwabara back over as he's being too stubborn to sit on the sidelines. Yusuke glances over at him. "Kuwabara is too injured. We'll somehow have to fight with just the four of us." he muses.

"He's not the only one who can't fight." Kurama points out, looking to who May now knows to be Genkai. "Mask's spiritual power has got to be pretty low."

Yusuke looks troubled. "In that case, the three of us will have to fight." he states.

Kurama glances at Hiei at that. He knows his friend isn't in the best shape either. After having used his dragon, his arm has become pretty much useless. It's a question of to what he can still do without it.

His musings are cut off by a power suddenly emanating from one of the cloaked figures across them. The wind picks up and the cloak is thrown off to reveal a tall red-headed demon with a small horn centered at the top of his forehead.

"I'll go." he states, revealing he plans to start off the match.

"Jin the Windmaster?" Kurama breathes in realization, making May glance up at him curiously. "If that is the case, then don't tell me those guys are...." he doesn't finish, a frown etched on his face.

"You know them?" Yusuke wonders, worried at Kurama's reaction to Jin revealing himself.

Kurama nods. "Yeah, they are famous demons. Mashotsukai would seem to be an assumed name." he begins. "Their true identities are the Shinobi of the Demon world." he reveals.

"Shinobi? You mean ninja's?" Yusuke muses.

They look over to see Jin stepping forward, his feet, only little covered with bandages slap against the tiles as he approaches. He looks really eager.

Yusuke steps up to him, meeting him halfway as Koto asks them to decide the manner in which they will be fighting. Jin's tall form hovers over the medium sized human boy.

Jin is the first to open his mouth. "One-on-one elimination. We'll keep fightin' until there are no more opponents left." he suggests, his Irish accent think as he speaks.

"Fine with me." Yusuke agrees. With that out of the way, they circle each other once before stepping away.

May feels her stomach sink to her shoes when she hears the tune prior to an announcement. It's like her body has already been conditioned to expect something bad when she hears the noise and it proves itself once again...

"Now then, before the third round, the administrative office will conduct a medical check." the voice announces.

"Medical check?" Yusuke questions as he jumps down from the ring.

"This is to give special treatment to the conditions of those of the Urameshi team, who must fight consecutively, owing to the day's schedule." the voice explains over the speakers.

May scoffs beside Yusuke. "Didn't know they cared." Hiei hums in agreement behind her.

They turn around as the tarp of a medical tent slides open to reveal a slip redheaded nurse in a lavender outfit. May watches her approach before she seems to read the fighters with an outstretched hand. She can't help but narrow her eyes at the woman, feeling distrustful.

When the woman's eyes glance at her figure, she smiles in a way that nearly sets May off. She just wants to heave her boys and Genkai onto her back and run for the mountains.

The woman pauses at Hiei and Genkai. "You and you, can I have you come with me please?" she requests.

"I don't need your help. Why don't you take that guy laying down behind us." Hiei tells her, referring to the beaten down Kuwabara.

The nurse smiles, appearing innocent. "I'm only going to ask you fighters two or three questions. It will be over right away." she assures Hiei. The two reluctantly follow after her towards the medical tent after that.

"I don't trust her." May mutters, a heavy frown set on her face, making Kurama look over curiously before glancing back at the nurse again.

Yusuke scoffs in amusement. "Of course you wouldn't. Girls never trust anyone looking prettier then themselves." he laughs before doubling over as May kicks his shin, hard.

"Don't be daft!" she scolds him as he shoots her a glare, muttering profanities under his breath, which she pointedly ignores.

He looks up surprised when Hiei and Genkai, who he still hasn't recognized for who she is, try to leave the tent, only to be stopped by a force field of sorts. "What is that!?" he asks, shocked.

"It's a peripheral realm." Kurama states in recognition.

Yusuke runs over to the nurse. "Hey! What are you trying to pull?" He can't reach her however as the blue force crackles between them.

The 'nurse' casts away her outfit to reveal her rather scantily covered up by some sort of cords. "I am Ruka, the periphery master." she introduces. "I pride myself on the ability of casting defensive walls... Among the foremost in the Demon realm."

"Let those two out of there!" Yusuke calls in warning.

Ruka only smirks. "It is useless to make a fuss or to put up a struggle. They cannot leave here." And to prove her point, she strengthens her barrier, throwing Hiei and Genkai back as they are wrecked with pain. She really is skilled in her field.

She casts her eyes to May. "The girl has good instinct. You should have listened." she chuckles, making May grit her teeth. What she wouldn't give to slap the woman silly.

The announcers voice can be once again heard around the stadium. "As a result of their medical checks, Hiei and the Masked fighter have been ruled unfit to fight in the third round.

Jin, unpleased with how the way things turned leaves the ring, leaving the fighting to someone else for now. Another steps in his place. It is a lanky demon, all thin and sinewy. He calls himself Gama, the body paint bearer. He looks rather bare as of yet though.

Yusuke is about to step up, only to have Kurama stop him. "I'd like to say that I can put all these guys away, but judging from their Demon energy, they are not going to allow that. I'll find out as much as I can of what they have up their sleeves. The rest will be up to you." he tells Yusuke.

So Kurama is planning to take down as many as he can before he is forced to tap out. May doesn't like the sound of that. It means he's going to get hurt again. She hopes he doesn't get himself killed.

Phew. It's getting pretty hard to type out chapters for this story. I'm halfway running into a writers block it feels. This really sucks. I always have some ideas for oncoming chapters, but with this one, there is hardly anything I'm working forward to. I just make it up as I go. I just hope it doesn't show to badly.

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