Part 20

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"May! There is someone at the door for you!" Atsuko calls, making May interrupt her Korean drama marathon. How else is she supposed to fill the time while the boys are at school?

"It's a real weirdo if you ask me." Atsuko whispers to her as she makes her way past May.

May looks towards the open front door to see someone she does not recognize. She can tell the man is a demon however if his youki is anything to go by. She cautiously approaches the man. He is rather short and lanky and does not appear all that powerful. Even she could beat him to a pulp if she wanted to, probably.

"What is it you want?" she asks, getting to the point quickly. She does not appreciate the closeness of an unfamiliar demon at the home of people she cares about.

The man quickly whips something out of his satchel, standing at attention. It nearly scared May into swing her fist at his nose in reaction. She blinks at the envelope that is held up in front of her.

"Your official invitation to the Dark Tournament miss!" he simply announces.

"Hush!" she hisses in reply, glaring him down. "Not so loud you fool." she warns him, making his knees quack slightly.

"Please take it miss. I am only the messenger and I would like to return quickly." he asks her pitifully.

"Oh fine." May sighs, taking it from the demon, whom clicks his heels in attention once before darting off quick as lightning. This guy could give Hiei a run for his money.

May stares as the black envelope for a moment, glancing over to make sure Atsuko isn't there looking over her shoulder. Opening it up, she pulls out the thick paper, reading the contents.

"Oh my." she breathes.


"You what?! How do they come up with that shit?!" Yusuke shouts from his perch in Genkai's garden, losing his focus on his meditation.

"Shut it, you dimwit!" Genkai warns, making Yusuke scowl at the woman before closing his eyes again, although reluctantly.

Genkai turns back to May, who worries the corners of the invitation with her fingers, tearing the paper a little.

"It isn't like I wasn't planning to go, but.... as team manager? What does that even mean?" May wonders.

"It means you hold the responsibility over the team. If they screw up, you screw up and vice versa. If the team loses, your life will be forfeit and if they act against the rules, you will suffer the consequences." Genkai explains.

May frowns at the explanation. "I do have to agree with Yusuke. How do they come up with that shit?" she questions. The boy is slowly rubbing off on her. "I'm a nobody. Shouldn't this be Koenma's job?" she wonders.

"It should." Genkai agrees. "And he will be affected, trust me on that. For some reason, they made you the middle man who stands between the team and Koenma." Genkai tells her. "It's just a cruel act on their part to involve as many people the boys care about as leverage." she finishes.

"Dandy." May scoffs. "I don't suppose this committee will be playing very fair themselves?" she guesses.

"Don't count on it." Genkai tells her, frowning before turning her glare to Yusuke as they hear him mutter under his breath.

May sighs in dismay. She realizes that she will be put on the spot. She hoped to just sit silently in the audience without anyone noticing her, but that is out of the question now.

She glances over at Yusuke's troubled face. How will the others react when they hear about this? Yusuke and Genkai are the first to know as May wanted to find out the consequences from Genkai first.

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