Part 28

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They stand silent for a moment, facing each other. The opponents seem mostly human men and quite young still, which is pretty unusual. May was sure at first that Yusuke and Kuwabara were going to be the only humans fighting. Most humans just don't have what it takes to participate.

Dr. Ichigaki chuckles in amusement. "This is fortuitous. "Both sides have three people huh? How does this sound? The contest will be decided three-against-three." he suggests.

"We don't mind. And you're going to watch from a distance?" Yusuke asks.

Dr. Ichigaki once again chuckles. "I am after all the team's alternate and adviser. The ones who will be fighting are my adorable experimental materials, the Marmots."

"Marmots?" Yusuke questions.

"Experimental?" May wonders at the same time.

"My dream is to create the mightiest of biological weapons. Fearing nothing, being bound by nothing, and acting at my will; the perfect killing machines! These three are my experimental models." Ichigaki explains, making them look at him in distaste.

"I've had enough of your talk!" Yusuke growls disgusted.

"Well hear me out." the doctor starts. "I have great interest in you guys as well. How about it? In order to make this match more thrilling, I have a proposal; If we win, I would like to have your bodies." he states, making Yusuke and Kuwabara look at him shocked.

Yusuke balls his fists, growing determined. "And if we win, I'm gonna kill you!"

Ichigaki laughs pleased. "Very well." he agrees.

"I have one other proposal." the Masked fighter cuts in, surprising them all, for he is us ally silent, though... Is it a he? That voice sounds rather feminine. May immediately thinks back to the conversation they had with Koenma earlier. It doesn't really sound like Genkai, at least, not how she sounds now, old and with a crack in her voice from smoking too much. Who is this?

"The match will be a six-person battle. In other words, I want to settle this all at once." they demand.

Ichigaki whips out a calculator, turning his back for a moment before turning around, chuckling that annoying laugh of his. "Very well. Why don't I accept that proposal?" he agrees, seeming to be quite satisfied before turning and leaving the ring to the fighters.

"Good luck." May wishes them before hurrying off as well. She feels uncomfortable standing alone by the side of the ring. She wonders when Kurama and Hiei are going to show up. She's growing a little worried.

The match has starts off excitedly immediately. Those guys prove to be very strong, but things with them definitely aren't right. They act like zombies; there is no emotion on their face whatsoever.

This fight is really difficult for Yusuke, Kuwabara and Genkai. The attacks they try to dodge are mostly invisible and because Ichigaku has apparently brainwashed them or something similar, they just can't fight back full power. Not that Yusuke can either way; his Spirit gun just can't seem to work.

Just when Yusuke is about to be crushed by an attack, the Masked fighter kicks him out of the way, taking the hit. They land outside the ring and May wastes no time running over.

"Mask!?" she calls, worried as they took the hit straight on. She halt in her tracks however when they get up. May notes the wrapping of the mask is tearing and withering, revealing a bright pink ponytail and more facial features.

"Ah! It really is you! Somehow..." May exclaims before a stern glare shuts her up.

"Not a word. We'll talk later." she shushes May before darting back to the ring and coming to Yusuke and Kuwabara's aid once again.

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