Part 12

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"Look here May-chan~! This is totally cute." Atsuko coos as she holds up a hoody with bunny ears.

"You do realize that I'm a teenager right? My seventh birthday was a very long time ago." May tells the woman, blinking at the thing with trepidation.

Atsuko's smile falters. "Right. I knew that." she defends herself, though May stares at her in disbelief. "I never shopped for a girl before though and my teen years were a-... not so long time ago." she quickly corrects herself after nearly practically calling herself old. "I'm not sure what is fashionable right now." she admits.

"Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure that's not it." May tells her after making sure that Atsuko hangs the hoody back on the rack.

"But wow!" Atsuko gushes, pulling the girl into her side. "I'm having fun shopping with you kid. It's like having a daughter. Yusuke would never ask me to go shopping with him." she grins happily before releasing the startled girl.

"How's this?" she asks, pulling a long sleeved shirt from a different rack. It has sparkles all over it.

"We'll get there." May chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head. She's still flustered from what Atsuko just now told her.

"What are you looking at Shuichi?" asks a woman from the other side of the story, catching her son's attention.

"Oh, I thought I saw a friend." he replies, seeing his mother's eyes light up. It's pretty well known that there are not many that her son considers a friend. She cannot let the opportunity slip.

"Well let's go say 'hi'. It would be rude not to." she urges, to which he nods reluctantly, his eyes a bit wide at the uncomfortable position his mother is putting him into.

They work their way past the clothing racks before they are within speaking distance. Before he can open his mouth however, May turns around to look at him curiously. Did she sense him approaching?

"May." he greets with a smile.

"Hi there K-Shuichi. Fancy seeing you here." she greets with a nod, almost slipping up. She never really had to use his human name before.

Her eyes turn to the woman next to him, who bumps him gently with her elbow, asking to be introduces.

"Mother, this is May. And this is Atsuko-san, Yusuke's mother." he introduces, motioning to them both.

His mother smiles brightly. "Hello, I'm Shiori, Shuichi's mother. Nice to meet you."

May and Atsuko greet her in return, before Shiori looks at May closely. "Have we met before? You look so familiar." she muses, making her and Kurama stiffen simultaneously.

"No. I'm afraid not ma'am." May quickly replies, making Shiori look confused for a moment before waving it off with a chuckle at May's politeness. Kurama nearly sighs in relief.

Kurama scoots over towards May as his mother and Atsuko get to talking. May blinks blankly at how awkward Atsuko is being. Someone as polite and proper like Shiori isn't the type of person she is familiar with.

"I have to be honest when I say that I didn't expect to see you here, or anywhere for that matter." Kurama tells May as he keeps a careful watch on the two women so they won't overhear.

May shrugs. "Yeah well, huddling up inside isn't really my thing either."

"How are you coping?" he questions, glancing at her curiously.

"Just...coping. There is not much to say on the matter, as I neither feel like I'm super happy or feel like I'm falling apart. I'm still rather indecisive on what I think of the... change." she tells him.

"I admit I was happier with my previous status, but since that was no longer an option..." she shrugs.

Kurama nods in understanding. "I heard that the key to success lies in playing the hand you have been dealt, like it is the hand you wanted. To make your transition successful, the first step will be to accept that hand and not to fold your cards senselessly." he advises her.

"I suppose." she muses. "But what card will I play first? Where will I start if I'm going to go full out on this?" she wonders.

"Hm. I suppose half the work lies in being familiar with the world and its workings around you. Socialization is a big part of that. But to be honest, I don't feel like that it should be problem. I hardly have taken notice that you grew up in the twenties." he compliments, making her quirk her lips upwards.

"You may say that, but half the time Yusuke talks to me, I don't know what he's going on about. But now that I think about it that could just be because it's Yusuke." she muses, rising a finger to her cheek in thought.

Kurama chuckles. "Perhaps. Next are the practicalities of daily life; things that people take for granted but will be noticeable if you do not happen to share the common knowledge. I suggest you take great care in observing people's actions." he tells her, making her nod in interest as she absorbs his tips.

"Also, and I do not mean to push, but schooling would be helpful as well. To be amongst your peers will teach you a great deal, but I suggest we brush up on your studies before that. I'll be glad to help you along." he offers.

"Are you sure? You might be in over your head here. I mean...I don't exactly have much experience when it comes to studying. Not if that includes sowing, ikebana and the likes." she admits a bit shamefully.

Kurama only smiles reassuringly. "Don't worry. I have confidence in your capabilities." he tells her, making her blush a bit.

"Well, that makes one of us at least." she mutters a bit shyly. She really is not used to taking compliments.

Kurama notices his mom and Atsuko rounding up their conversation and quickly lays down a proposal. "How about I will meet you after my lessons tomorrow. I'll head over to Yusuke's to set you up so you have something to work on during the day and the next day, you can ask me the questions you have gathered on the subject and I will set you up with the next project when you're ready."

May thinks it over quickly before nodding. "Sounds like a plan. Thank you."

"No problem. I'm glad to help. Then I'll see you tomorrow." he tells her before saying his goodbyes to Atsuko and leaving with his mother after she got to say her goodbyes.

"Oh~. What's this? Making plans for tomorrow? Is it a date?" Atsuko snickers at May, making her face grow red.

"Why is that the first thing that pops into your mind?" May moans, slapping her forehead in embarrassment.

"Because I can. And you two look totally cute together. Now let's go. There is still a lot of shopping to do." Atsuko points out before marching away.

May watches her go with a sigh. She takes one final glance back in the direction Kurama went. She spots him in the distance, laughing awkwardly at something his mom just said.

It must be a mom thing to embarrass their kids. Well, as far she can account the role to Atsuko that is, in her case.

Kurama casts his glance back at her as if sensing he is being watched. He sends her a final smile and nod before disappearing out of sight.

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