"The detective's life isn't an easy one, but it never lacks for excitement."

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"NICK!! DUCK!!" Swan took a hard swing at you. This fight was hopeless, you were just too weak. The Behemoth gave a loud and mighty yell of anger, Nick continuing to fire at the beast. "NICK WE HAVE TO RUN!!" Nick hated running from a fight, you both truly were taking more damage than what was necessary. You both bolted off in the direction of the library, stray bullets from raiders in the building windows threatening to finish you off. You'd used your last stimpak on Nick the day before after running into those Deathclaws outside of the insane asylum, and were now running in a random direction hoping not to be annihilated. You looked at the faded street signs, one reading "Boston Public Library". It was a perfect place to hide out and gain health! Maybe- You glanced back at the Synth behind you, faded trench coat floating along the dusty nuclear breeze. Practically jumping down the steps to safety, you looked at Nick who merely gave a soft smile. You hated to run about as much as he did. After all when you found him locked up in Vault 114, the first thing he question was all the many stairs, betting that it had been made by a fitness instructor. You felt defeated. It was one of the few times you'd been FORCED to run, and you hated it. "N: Look alive doll, I don't think we're alone here." You listened, pushing your hair out of your face. "HAHAHA! I SMELL...FRESH BLOOD." "Damn it!" you hissed, looking back at Nick "Super Mutants. I think we can take 'em." "Let me lead (y/n). I can take a lot more hits with this metal frame of mine over you." "Nick I cant possibly-" He shushed you, his metallic finger pressed against your lips. "I've got it doll." "Fine..." you whispered "But be safe about it. Just cause you're a synth, it doesn't mean your invincible. You saw those ones back with Kellogg. We tore right through 'em." "(y/n), anyone ever tell you that you worry too much?" You hushed. Nick tip-toed ahead, foolhardy attitude showing greatly. Nick was more bold than any...'organic' man ever could be. Even Nate...you though back to your husband. It had been over two years since he was killed, and you still hadn't found Shaun. The day you met Nick felt like an eternity ago, like you'd known him your whole life. You snapped out of it as the first gunshot rang out like a bell. "You really want THIS to be the last mug you see?!" Nick's voice called out, pulling you truly back into reality. Pulling out your Compensated Powerful 10 mil, you peered out from behind the cool subway tile, admiring Nick's perfect stance, and perfect aim. He never missed a shot. You grinned, pulling the pin of a frag grenade with your teeth and throwing it down the hallway, killing the mutant's other...'friends'. Nick landed a final blow, killing the main Super mutant. "Ey, Great shot Nick!" He gave a low laugh, holstering his pistol. "Not to bad yourself Sugar. You're real good with explosives arentcha?" "Maybe I am there Nicky." "Nicky, really (y/n)? You've been spending way to much time with Hancock." You snickered, standing up and dusting off your leather armor. "Well, who else do I have when you're out saving the world Mr. Detective?" "Well there's Ellie, Piper, Takahashi-" "Nick, Taka only says the same thing again and again." "That's only because he's a robot, and you don't understand." He smirked "Oh really Nick? Well, maybe its cause you're-" You couldn't think of ANYTHING. "Run out of things to say (y/n)?" You were about to pull a snarky comment, when you felt something leap onto your back, a disgusting mucusy yell and the smell of rotting flesh filling your senses. You yelled out, feeling teeth meet your skin. Your eyes closed tight, falling unconscious, the last thing you heard was the sound of a pistol firing just by your ear.  

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