"Dammit, drop the doom-and-gloom act. We can work through this..."

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~~A.N.: Im gonna pull this a little off the "canon" story line, just for affect.~~

As you walked out from Diamond City into the great commonwealth, your thoughts returned to Shaun. Kasumi was the name of the Nakano's missing daughter, gone without a clue to her whereabouts. Your head hung low. Shaun was still out there, missing and probably scared. You'd seen him in Kellogg's memories. "(y/n), is something bothering you?" You looked to Nick, thankful that your head wear was covering the many tears running down your cheeks. You didnt answer. Nick looked rather puzzled.


"(Y/n)." I said again, a little louder at this point. She still didnt look over. (Y/N) seemed to be the one mystery I had yet to figure out. I placed an easy hand on her shoulder, giving a reassuring grip. "I'm never gonna find Shaun, Nick. I've followed the clues...it's hopeless..." "Dammit, drop the doom-and-gloom act. We can work through this..." How she was able to give up hope so quickly seemed to be another mystery for me to solve about the woman beside me. She then looked over to me, pulling off her helmet, revealing her tear stained face. I stopped for a moment. The heartbroken look in her eyes pulled a pre-war memory from me. I contemplated it for a moment, but pulled her into a hug. "Look, I know it feels like a shot in the heart, but this case isn't closed. Not while I'm on it."


It all felt to happen so fast. One minute the coolness of a breeze chilled my face, but the next I was being pulled into a hug by the only person in all of the Commonwealth that could seem to get me thinking logically again. "I-I'm sorry Nick..." "(y/n), there is nothing to apologize for. I-" A voice called from the entrance of Diamond city, with a high pitched cat call. "OOOO Nicky and (y/n)! I wouldve never guess you two had something going on!" You quickly looked back, face bright red "PIPER I SWEAR-" She laughed, wiping a tear from her eye "Aw c'mon Blue! Can't you take a joke?" Nick tapped his foot impatiently, an eyebrow raised as a small grin began to form on his face. "Anywho, I wanted to give this to ya. You left it in my office." Piper handed you a small halotape, the one Codworth had given you. 'Hi Honey!' was starting to smudge off on the label. You smiled "Thanks Piper. I'll...see you around sometime." You put the tape in your pocket and went back to facing Nick. "Well, what say we actually get going now?" "That was the plan." You followed Nick down the broken pavement, headed north. 


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