"Keep up, pal. We got an adventure ahead of us."

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(THIS CHAPTER WILL GO OFF CANON IN SOME WAYS. Also, imma make the dialogue easier to read.)

When you started to wake, Nick was speaking to DiMA. Everything looked a little hazy, and you felt dizzy. 


 you remembered what had made you lose consciousness in the first place. You felt your face, mind still trying to grasp the idea that you might just be a synth yourself. What a mind trip that would be...You assumed Nick had heard your voice, as he started to turn away from the conversation with DiMA and back to you. 

"(Y/N), you doin alright?"

 "I...I dont know Nick. Kinda...suffering an identity crisis." 

"Thats understandable. Can you stand? Ive already been to chat with Kasumi and We have a lot more on our hands than we thought...(Y/N), this...this involves murder."

 Your eyes shot wide. That was still a sore subject for you. 


"You remember Avery right? She's a synth. DiMA replaced her to keep the harbor under control. I was able to pull some memories from DiMA while you were out. I could only bear to listen to that one. I was...to nervous to hear what the others mentioned."

One by one you listened to them, the last one caught you off guard. A fight...between Nick and DiMA? DiMA had mentioned their escape from the institute, and that they had fought, but you had assumed it was just nonsense! If DiMA was right about that, what...what else was he right about....

"Now look (Y/N), we have a couple different options here We-" 

"Nick, wait." 

"Is there a problem?" 

"I need you to...to listen to this Nick." 

You handed him the holotape, a shocked look still stuck on your face. Nick played it through his system, taking him a minute to just...process everything. 

"So the old synth was right..." 

"I....I think he is...Nick...you have a brother." 


I had no idea how to feel. All this time I'd believed I was thrown out and discarded. But in reality, I had a escape partner. For all I know, DiMA is the reason I'm not one of those people snatchers. A henchman of the Boogeyman of the Commonwealth. I had a brother, that in all reality, despite all I'd just learned, was family. I looked to him back in the main room, mind racing. I looked back to (y/n), who seemed to be just as confused as I was. I tapped (y/n) on the shoulder, signaling that I needed a moment. I needed to speak with DiMA about this...


You watched Nick go as you got up and bolted out of Acadia. You needed the...well...semi-fresh air. The coolness of the wind against your face sucked you back into reality. You didnt know what you were, tears falling down your face. You knew that you needed to go to the VIm!Pop factory mentioned in DiMA's memory. Then you'd confront the town, and surely you would convince them peace was required. You looked at the map on your PipBoy, going off in the direction of the factory. You had just started down the road when you heard a voice call out as someone ran up behind you. You quickly pulled out your pistol, looing at the figure you had a gun pressed to. 

"Good God Nick!! You scared the shit out of me!!!"

"Well thats one way to get the coolant pumping." Nick chuckles "you didnt thing you could get rid of me so easily as to leave me with those other synths did ya?"

"I just figured you probably didnt want anymore fights today." 

"(Y/N), youre one of the best partners Ive ever had. I'll stick with ya." 

You smiled happily, giving him a quick hug 

"Thanks Nicky. Youre the best." 

You quickly turned back and started back down the road, a smile on your face. Nick go ahead of you, laughing. 

"Keep up, pal, we got an adventure ahead of us!" 

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