Youve Done Good

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Days passed, and days led to weeks, weeks of collecting supplies to finish the transporter into the institute. Nick seemed a little more protective of you now, and the more you spoke of getting into the institute the more on edge he would get.

"(Y/N)...are you sure youre ready for this?" 

"I think so Nick. I mean, Im sure this is what my human counterpart wouldve wanted." 

"Still struggling with your identity huh? It's ok, we can work this out." Nick gave a reassuring smile, eyes softening to a sweet amber tone. "I struggled with it for a long time."

"Yeah, I suppose this is something only time can work through." You kissed his cheek before making your way over to Sturges.

"S: You finally got everything we need to set this puppy up (Y/N)?"

"That I do Sturges. That I do." 

Sturges took the materials from you and put the final touches on the machinery. 

"S: And she's done! Now (y/n) if you...wanna say goodbye for now to everyone I'd suggest you do so now." 

You looked over to Nick, tears beginning to bead up in the corners of your eyes. You were scared. No matter how much you refused to believe it. You hugged Nick as tight as you could.


I held her as tight as I could manage. I placed a hand on the back of her head, keeping her pressed to my chest. If I could cry, I wouldve been doing so. My chest ached like I'd never known. I knew she'd come back, sure, but the fact that she was going to the one place that I knew would hurt her more than anything or anyone else, terrified me. I let my grip loosen. We stared at each other for a long moment. I pushed her hair away from her face;

"You stay safe in there (y/n) get in there, you find Shaun, and if they lay a hand in you, give em hell." I smiled, being as encouraging as I could be before kissing her for a moment.

"I...I will Nick. If I find anything you might wanna know, Ill make sure you get it." She gave a sweet smile before stepping onto the platform. 

"I love you Nick."

"I love you too (y/n)..." 

In a flash of light, she was gone. A few seconds passed, and the small crowd that watched her go dissipated until Piper was the only one still there. 

"Nick...are you gonna be alright?" 

"Im not to sure right now Piper...this is a lot for me to handle. What if she comes back...different?" 

"Nicky, Im sure she'll come out the same ass-kicking sweet girl youve always known. (Y/N) can handle herself yanno? Maybe you should go check in with Ellie until she gets back."

"I think that would be best for now Piper...thanks..." 

It felt weird being alone for the first time since (y/n) rescued me from vault 114. I thought back on the time where Kent Connelly asked her to be the Silver Shroud, and how good she looked in that black fedora and coat. I felt heat rise into my face, but I couldnt seem to get distracted from her as I walked out of sanctuary, and passed the house she'd built for herself. My thought wandered to her voice, playing over and over and over again in my head. My brow furrowed as a felt something run down my face. I placed a finger to it. It wasnt raining, so there was no way it was a rain drop. One followed another as I came to the realization. I...I could cry...and cry I did. I leaned up against the light post on the road, over come with emotion. 

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