"Hey, chin up. I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever."

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Your vision was blurry when you finally started to open your eyes. You had no idea how long you'd been there, but despite being on a cold metal bench, you felt oddly warm. You brushed a hand over the material laid upon you, almost like a blanket. The faint scent of cigarette smoke and some kind of metallic smell flooded your senses. Was this..."N-Nick?" The synth peered out from behind a pole supporting the subway roof outside of the library, feral ghoul bodies scattered about. "Rise and shine." He gave a sweet smile, putting out his cigarette before walking over to you. You'd only seen him a few rare other times without his classic trench coat on, and this happened to be one of those times. "Thought I might've lost you there." You chuckled weakly "It'll take a little more than that to kill me off Nick." You started to sit up, wincing at the pain in your neck. "Do you know how hard it is to kill one of those damn super ghouls? Cause that one that bit you put up a hell of a fight." "Nick...you...you save me?" "What else was I supposed to do? Stand there and watch my best partner be ripped to shreds?" You both laughed, relief falling over Nick's usual focused self. "I suppose you're right Valentine. Also, your trench coat is some blanket." He raised his brows curiously "Really now? I mostly just figured that it would hide you enough from any ghouls I missed while I looked around for a stimpak." "Well, it is nice. And...thank you, Nick." He crossed his arms, eyes glowing a bit brighter. "It's nothing doll. You saved me once, so I figured I ought to return the favor." A faint beeping noise came from your Pip-boy, catching your attention. You flipped through the menu to the radio signals, seeing a new station on your screen. "Nick, have you always had your radio frequency?" "Well, it's generally used if I'm out and there's an emergency call back at the office." You quickly tuned in, Ellie's voice filling the empty subway. "This is Ellie Perkins from Valentine Detective Agency, with a message for Nick's partner. We got a new case, and it sounds urgent. Stop by the office; I'll be waiting. Setting this to repeat." Nick looked at you "Back to business partner." You handed him his trench coat, a little upset to lose the comforting warmth. Standing up, you felt refreshed. "Guess we should head out then." The thing was, you still felt defeated. Now it was twice as bad, considering you nearly died. Nick took notice of this, placing his left hand carefully on your shoulder. "Look (y/n), I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever." That caught your attention. Nick did always have that way about him with words. You placed a hand on his own, letting out a sigh "I guess you're right Nick. As long as we stick together, I think we can do this." "Ah, that's the spirit! Now we don't wanna keep Ellie waiting, if this is important enough to use the radio, then we best hurry along." 

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