Blueberry x deaf! reader.

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( okay so this one might be bad cuz I'm not sure how to do this one. Sooo.. Let's just say you can hear.. Just not that well. And we all know how loud blue Is. Or you have a ear thing that helps you hear. I know someone who is deaf and she uses one of those things. I'm friends with her.)

Ahh waterfall. You loved the place, it truly was beautiful.

The echo flowers whisper softly. You couldn't heat it that well but it sounded like they where whisper-singing.

You feel the ground thumping behind you. You turn your head and see the cutest thing in the whole underground.

"HELLO HUMAN!" He waves.

You smile back and put a finger to your mouth in a shh motion.

"OH M.. I mean I'm sorry human I forgot." He blushes standing in front you.

"I've gotten you a present." He hands you a bandana similar to his but its a light teal color.

"I knitted it myself! I know you get cold being in snowdin and I thought this would help!"

Aw that smile was going to kill you it was so cute.

"Thank you blue." You say quietly.

"Human let me put it on for you!"

You nod and hand it to him.

He takes it from you and walks behind you wrapping it gently around your neck.

He ties it into a cute bow.

"There you are human! I hope you enjoy it!"

You smile and kiss his cheek.

"I'll treasure it forever blueberry."


(Sorry if this one sucked I didn't know what to do for this one ehh I tried. And sorry its so short.

Btw blue is my favorite sans.

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