Fresh x Sensitive! reader

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*eh I dont have a pic of fresh. I'm sensitive too. Also I'm bad fresh's weird way of talking.*

-takes place on surface-

Fresh chuckles watching you try to skate on his skateboard.

You have almost fell twice now.

"Fresh! Its not funny help me!"

"Alright alright hot pocket. I'll help ya." He walks over to you and grabs your shoulders steadying you.

"Thanks fresh!"

"No hizzity problem hot pocket."

You blush at the nickname,

"Eh brah I see your face its as red as my board."

You blush harder.

"Aw that's too cute homeslice. Don't make me die from the cuteness."

You both laugh.

-stupid time skip. To an hour cuz I'm lazy.-

You two had left the skatepark, it was getting dark, fresh agreed to walk you home.

He held your hand the whole time.

Your blush burned bright.

You both had finally made it to your home, he walks you in and you sit on the couch, he sits next to you.

He faces you. "Hot pocket.. I have something to tell ya.."

"O-oh what is it fresh?" You ask blush still on your face.

You had a crush on the 90's nightmare for a long time now. He was the the most awesome friend you could ask for.

You were too shy to tell him though.. You thought if you told him he would think your gross and get mad at you then never talk to you again.

"Well.. I have some really rad feelings for you.. Heh.. You probably think otherwise."

"W-what? No I don't I.. L-like you too.. I was afraid to say anything."

"Oh really..? Well in that case..~"

You blush at his tone of voice.

He takes his shades off revealing his beautiful unique eyes.

He pins you and kisses you with a skeleton kiss.

You blush but kiss back.

Something poked your forehead, you open your eyes seeing a purple creature waving at you.


Fresh pulls back putting his hand over his left eye. "Parasites.. Hah hah!" He laughs.

End. :p sorry if it was short or crappy. I love fresh but I'm bad at his lingo.

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