Lust/luke x reader

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*yup I drew the pic. Sorry my lighting is crap right now. This was a request. NOT A LEMON.
Its fluff.

Warning: Luke is a complete perverse flirt we all know that.

You knew it. That damned skeleton was staring at you again..

Every time you walked it his eyes where on you. At first it was flattering but now it got annoying.

I mean what was there to look at? you wore a f/b long sleeve shirt, a purple hoodie over it, black torn jeans and f/c converses.
(Favorite band and favorite color)

When the monsters came to the surface.. Well let's just say they where huge pervs.

That had been three years ago.

You came to this mini bar every Saturday mostly for boredom and the fires.

They had awesome fries.

(Its like a diner/bar place)

You always sat at the same table.

Every time.

When you started coming here more often a short skeleton monster kept watching you.

It was creepy you thought.

Maybe be thought you where pretty? You didn't know.

And today of all days he approached you.

You sat at your usual table you where eating your basket of fries.

"Hello sweet cheeks." He winks

"Ugh what do you want?"

"I wanted to chat."

It seemed like he always had a seductive tone in his voice.

It was weird.

"Fine take a seat bone boy."

He nods and sits across from you elbows propping his head up on the table.

"I've been watching you for awhile."

"More like stalking.." You mumbled.

"So sweetie what's your name? Mines Luke lust."

"Fitting last name. It really shows how perverted you are, its y/n."

Luke chuckles his violet eyes lighting up.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or you gonna say something?" You ask.

His smirk widens. "I was going to use a pick up line but you look like you'd slap me."

"You thought right. I would."


"Heh I like that."

"Okay dude knock it off I will slap you."

"I wouldn't mind.~"

You stomp on his foot under the table.

"Ow!" He yelps.

"I warned you." You laugh.


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