Dust x Ghost! reader.

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*thanks for requesting! Anyway reader is a ghost, Dust can see her, papyrus can see her he's a ghost too obviously. Also, chara is a female sorry that's just how I see her. (Am I the only one who thinks dust! Papy is really cute?)

'Am I the only one left?' She thinks.

She sighs.. The afterlife was really lonely.. Being a ghost that walked the earth was depressing.

The underground used to be so.. Alive. Now its nothing but silence and piles of monster dust, broken souls and whispering echo flowers.

She had killed you too.. Chara was her name.

She tricked you with her cute face, then stabbed you in the back.. Literally.

Now all you were was a ghost in this cold world of the underground.

You kind of haunted waterfall, its where you died anyway.

Y/n sat on the deserted bench by the stream.

The water flowed quietly.

She rested her head on her palm looking sadly into the water not seeing her reflection.

She hated this. It was too silent, it made her ears ring.

A twig snapping caught her attention.

And the approaching footsteps.

She looks up seeing two people er.. Monsters were talking.

'Finally someone alive!' Y/n thinks and floats over to them.

"BROTHER IT SEEMS WE'VE KILLED EVERYTHING! WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" A loud voice echoed. It sounded male and younger.

"I don't know paps. Maybe some are hidin'. We gotta find 'em." Another, much older males voice spoke back to the other one.

Y/n watches them curiously.

One was a short skeleton monster, wearing a hoodie, the hood over his head, house slippers, hands in his pockets, a constant grin on his face.

His eyes were the most weirdest things.. Red and purple.

He looked like he belonged in an insane asylum.

The other was.. Faded?.. He looked ghostly and younger.

A floating see through skull, a red scarf around his face little gloved hands floating with him.

'Maybe I could talk to him!' Y/n smiles and hovers to the younger one.

"Brother.. It seems there is another presence here.." His voice was a hushed whisper.

'Wait.. How was the young one talking to the live one..? Maybe he could see and hear him' you think.

"Oh really? Then get ready. I'm gonna have a mad time!" His eye glows purple, the smoke flowed out of his eye socket.

The floating skull's eyes lit up red.

'Oh no..'

They turn and look in your direction, the short one, his grin expands, the spirit eyes glow faintly.

"Well.. Hello there Missy. Didn't expect seein' ya. From the look of that scar it seems Chara got cha didn't she?"

"Wait.. You can see me?" Y/n asks.

He nods and his eye stops glowing. "Welp.. Looks like I can't kill ya.. That's a damn shame." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm dust. Nice ta meet cha, this here is papyrus."

Papyrus' eyes fade to their normal color and he waves at you.

He floats over to you, circling you, studying you.


He was oddly cute.

"Its y/n its nice to meet you too."

Dust chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "You two getting pretty close huh? Hey kid, be good to paps, he's never had a friend before."

He closes his eyes.

"And if he likes ya... I will to."

You blush.


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