Yandere! Teddy x reader

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*yup here's another yandere one. Again Teddy is a bara.*

I sat on the ripped and torn up couch waiting for the two brothers to come back from hunting.

You fell a year ago. Teddy had let you go because you were too skinny for him to eat. Not enough meat on your bones.

Tatters was really nice to you. He seemed to be the only one who wasn't insane.

But lately you noticed Teddy has been acting weird, he walked with you when you left the house, he stood outside of the bathroom when you were in there, when you woke up during the night you found him looking down at you, and while you were in the house he watched you.

It was starting to creep you out.. But Tatters told you about his sudden mood swings so at first you brushed it off..

Until last night..

You were getting ready for bed when Teddy walked past your door, you waved at him, all he did was stare... Then left.

When you shut your lamp off you were all snuggled in your bed dozing off when you heard your door open.

You opened your eyes.

Teddy was on top of you, both of his arms on either side of your head, his crimson eye staring down at you, his face was unreadable, a faint blush on his face.

Your hear beat really fast that night, both in fear and in embarrassment.

All he did was stare down into your eyes, then lean down and lick your face before leaving you to sleep.

You couldn't sleep at all that night..

You shake your head at the memory trying to forget it.

The front door opens Teddy was covered in blood, Tatters never came back.

"Teddy..? Where is Tatters?" You ask shaking.

His red eye scans you, he emotions still unreadable.

"Got attacked." He says simply, tossing his large axe on the floor near the kitchen doorway.

"W-what? Is he okay!?"

"Nope. Dead as a door nob."

"Oh.. God.. " you busted out in tears.

Who could have killed such a sweet monster!?

"Stop your cryin' it happens. Its a tough world out there." He sits behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Besides.. I M T H E O N L Y.   O N E   Y O U   N E E D."


*Well that was disturbing yay.*

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