Bara! Teddy x reader.

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(Okay this is Horrortale so creepy things up ahead. Again not a request but I felt like making it. I can never find enough Horrortale fluffy oneshots, its upsetting. And yes I see Horror sans as a bara  I see all the monsters in Horrortale larger meh.)

"Okay darlings today we will be making severed leg stew-

I shut the TV off.

I did not want to see that.. Its bad enough when I have to see that stuff all the time..

I roll over on my side bored out if my mind.

Can't go outside cuz I'll get attacked. Great.

Tatters was out setting more traps.

And Teddy was on headdog duty.

Again gross.

I close my eyes resting on my back.

I rested for awhile until I felt a dip in the couch and someone set me in their lap.

I blushed knowing who it was.

"Hello Mr.grumpy butt. How'd your hunting go?"

He groans. "It was borin' nothin' came around."

He tosses his axe on the table for once it didn't have blood on it.

I reach my hand up and rub his cheekbone.

He purrs and closes his eye sockets a red blush on his face.

Despite what his appearance suggest he was quite the cuddle monster.

He moves his head..

"Ow!" I yelp which startled him.

"Hun what happened?"

I look at my hand and see a small cut. Darn it, it happened again..

"Its nothing Teddy.."

"You cut yourself on my fangs again didn't cha?"

Yes. Yes I did. Above and below his lips..? He had sharp fangs that stuck out. I would accidentally cut my hands and lips on them.

They where really sharp.

He sighs. "I'm sorry, ya gotta be more careful."

I pull a bandaid out of my pocket and wrap it around my cut.

He wasn't as bad as people thought.

Teddy hugs me from behind and plants a skele kiss on my forehead. "Love ya."

I smile. "Love you to bonehead."

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