Geno x depressed! reader

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*okay.. I do want to say this will probably be sad, its in the title, again was a request. Sorry if Geno's personality is off, I'm basing it off my head cannon.*

Darkness and silence..

That's all she's seen forever now.

Why did frisk have to keep doing genocide..?

Since they killed sans you've been depressed..

Sans would protect you from them, until he left for the judgement hall and never came back.. The underground was silent.

You ran to Asgore's castle but you were to late.

You tried to stop them, using every attack you had.. But your soul had shattered.

Now, you were here, soulless floating into nothingness.


You called for anyone to hear you.. But no one came.

You weren't sure how long you've been here.. Months? Years maybe.. You couldn't tell.

Time seemed to have stopped.

Reset after reset, genocide was chosen again and again.

You watched it all happen over and over.

Sans kept fighting then dying, same with papyrus.

You cried into your hands.

All you had was sanses old dusty hoodie to remember him by.

It still smelled like him, it made you cry every time, each happy memory seemed to taunt you.

Laughing at you.

You hear footsteps coming towards you.

You ignore it thinking its your mind playing tricks on you again.

Until a hand rested on your shoulder.

"Y/n.. Is that you..?"

Your eyes widen.. That.. Was sans' voice.

You turn your head seeing him.

He's changed since you've last seen him.

Almost all of his color was gone.

His eye glitched out, papyrus' scarf was around his neck, his cut..

The cut Frisk.. No.. Chara had left on him still bled.


"Y/n.. You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

You hug him, not caring if his blood gets on you, tears of joy and sadness fall from your eyes.

He hugs you back crying softly in your shoulder.

"Sans.. I've missed you.. I thought you were gone forever."

"Y/n.. I've missed you too.."

He gives you a skeleton kiss.

You kiss him back.


I strangely had fun writing this. Thanks for requesting!

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