Yanberry x reader.

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(I know this wasn't a request but I felt like doing it anyway. Also WARNING THERE IS VIOLENT THEMES AHEAD!! ITS CREEPY TOO!

With a smile and a wave goodbye she left the ruins.

Asgore closes the door behind her.

Y/n was a sweet girl, Asgore took her in and was the most perfect goat dad anyone could ask for.

She was going to see her best friends Blueberry and Honey.

The skeleton brothers where very kind to her.

Honey was good to have around and he helped her laugh when she was sad, be even flirted with her sometimes.

But then said it was a joke, now that kind of upset her, she had a small crush on the tall skeleton.

She shakes her head and continues walking.

And then there's blue, he was the sweetest monster she had ever met, he always made the best tacos for her.

That sweet monster had gotten her to open up more and make new friends.

But then.. She noticed Blue was acting.. Strange..

He was more emotionless.. And his smile was fading.

And when Y/n and Honey hung out he would just be there in the kitchen doorway glaring.

At first she thought he was a bit jealous she she started hanging out with blue more often.

His mood went back to normal.

He was a bit clingy now.. But she didn't mind.

She stops on the porch and knocks on the door.

Honey answers the door taking the sucker out of his mouth.

"Whos there?" He asks


Honey smirks. "Water who?"

"Water you waiting for let me in already."

(Sorry that joke was awful)

"Heh good one kid." He let's her in shutting the door behind her.

"Its pretty snowy out there, ya cold? All ya got is that sweater thing on."

"Yeah a little bit. I didn't have to walk to far."

Honey shrugs his shoulders and takes his hoodie off throwing it to you.

"Here you'll be as warm as hotlands."

"Oh t-thanks." You put it on.

It was really warm, you didn't get how that worked but eh.. You didn't question it.

"Thanks Honey!"

"No problem kiddo." He pats your head.

"Alright imma take a nap. Blues in his room if your bored." He then teleports.

"Okay then." Y/n shrugs and goes upstairs.

She knocks on blues door.

He answers. "Oh! Y/n! I wasn't expecting you! Come in come in!" He moves to the side as she walks in and sits on his bed.

"So Blue what cha doing?"

He sits at his desk and continues drawing. "Just doodling."

"Cool. Can I see?"

"Just a moment my lo- I mean.. Y/n!" He cheekbones turn blue and he goes back to his paper.

'That was weird.. What was he going to say?' She thinks.

She shakes her head and sees a journal laying on the nightstand.

She picks it up and opens it to a random page.

It says-

"Dear journal, its blue again. I'm sorry for the sudden absence,

I had a strange dream this week. Me and Y/n where sitting in the wishing room relaxing, telling each other our whishes, when my brother suddenly came up and kissed her...

When I woke up I cried. I love her so much.. Why did he take her away!? WHY DID HE TAKE HER AWAY!?!? WH-

The rest of the page was torn.

Y/n quickly shuts the book and tosses it on the nightstand.

That crept her out.

Just brush it off its probably nothing right?

Blue is suddenly in front of her.

"Aww don't look so scared love!" Last thing she sees is his smirk and heart shaped eye lights before it goes dark.

To be continued?

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