Hallow x reader.

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*he's another sans oc of mine. Sorry about the picture lighting is still crap. Anyway this is supposed to be set during Halloween, I don't care if its not Halloween, I'm making it anyway.*

(He has a Dracula ascent Btw)

Y/n p.o.v

I stood in front of my bed thinking.. I couldn't decide between the two costumes I wanted to pick.

One was a vampire queen costume.

The other was a witch.

I bought them both a month ago, and I still can't decide.

"Ugh I need some help.."

Then I hear a knock on my glass balcony door.

"Uh.. That was a little creepy."

I walk out the door and open it.

At first I see nothing, but I could hear a strange noise like large wings flapping.

"What the..?" I look up seeing two glowing eyes.

They look like candle lights.

His eyes were cunning yet calming if you looked into them long enough you'd fall asleep.

"Hello sweet fang.~" he flirts landing on your balcony railing.

His large wings hold him up so be doesn't fall.

I blush. "Oh hello Hallow, what'cha doing here?"

"Oh.. Nothin' much sweet fang, just came to see you.~"

Wow he was flirty tonight.

"Hallow.. Are you feeling okay? Did you eat.?"

(Drink blood I mean if he hasn't he'll act weird.)

"Yes, I have sweet fang. It was a pretty good hunt to."

His fanged smirk widens.

"Mind if I come in?"

"No, come on in." I move aside then sit on my bed.

He follows me inside and shuts the balcony doors.

He notices the costumes.

"Hey, what's with the dresses?"

"Oh.. Those? I was having a hard time choosing one, I can't decide.. Maybe you can help me?"

He smiles, a candy corn blush goes across his face.

"Sure thing.~"

He doesn't even look at them for two seconds before throwing the vampire one in my lap.

"That one. We can match, you're going to a Halloween party right?" He points at my calendar.

"Yeah undyne invited me. She said I need to bring a date."

"Don't need ta. I'm here," he winks and I blush.

He teleports behind me his breath on my neck.

"I could even make your costume more believable.~"

Oh boy... What have I got my self into..?


Feel free to request him, or a vampire version of any sans or papy.

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