Skullface x assassin! reader

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*I hope I spelled that right.. Eh.. Anyway thanks for the request! They give me inspiration*

How long have you been here I'm this stupid chair? Duck taped.

Hmm.. About two hours.

You roll your eyes.

Papyrus came in to check on you again.

"Hello miss! My brother wanted me to check on you! How are you feeling? Need anything?"

You shake your head. "No papyrus. I'm feeling fine. Send your "brother" in here I want to chat with him."

Papyrus nods fixing his tie then walking out of the room.

After a quick argument a short suited skeleton walks in, his arms behind his back.

"So. What'cha wanna talk about toots?"

"Why am I here? I was just doing my job."

He circles you. "Well.. You came on our turf. You should know that here downtown is our turf! That's when you back off."

You roll your eyes. "Listen here boneboy, I had a job to do. My target ran threw your part of town. I was chasing him down."

"You an assassin?"

"Yes. My target is probably long gone, Muffet is gonna kick my a**."

He stops in front of you. "Muffet?..." He hums a hand to his chin.

"How about you stay with us. We are against Muffet and her money grabbing hands."

You thought about it. This mafia seemed better than Muffets.

And she treated you like crap anyway so why not?

And the suited skeleton was a hottie..


"I knew ya would agree toots."

He cuts the duck tape holding your wrist together. "Let's shake on it."

You shook hands with him.

"I'll show ya where you'll be stayin' also.. Call me skullface toots."

End. - sorry it was short. I don't know a lot about mafiatale. But I tried-

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