Sammy Walcott
"Wow everything is just the way I remembered." Elijah says looking around as we walked down the little hallway to my room.
"I'm surprise you remember anything at all." I say my fingers dancing with their selves. Thank God my mum kinda arranged my room. God knows I would be mortified, if Elijah were to see how disorganized it was.
"Oh come on Sammy, give me some credit. I might not be as bright at you but my head doesn't exactly belong to a dead fish." He says his fingers touching the scrap on the wall.
I can't even remember what caused that scrap, probably during a fight. "That's your opinion."
He laughed entering the room after me. "You'd be surprised when you see my grades now."
I didn't bother replying because I knew he wouldn't listen. He's eyes were looking around my room. I subtly picked up a lying around shirt and jean, tossing them into the wardrobe.
"Wow Sammy," Elijah said touching the picture of a rocket that was on the wall. It also had the parts and internal planning drawn out on the picture. My prized possession. "This is beautiful man."
I shrugged sitting on my bed. I know.
"You're still gonna build one of this one day aren't you?" He asked and I nodded.
It's always been my dream. I am literally obsessed. I had different Rockets around here. The ones I won and the ones I could afford to buy. Since the beginning of time, I've been into rockets and its always been my dream to build one. Elijah knows this and the looks of things, he remembers.
"I'm glad that hasn't changed." He mused still looking around and picking up a picture of me, in a swimming pool with a duck in my hands.
"And what about you, are you in a band or are you still going to in a band?" I asked.
He grinned dropping the picture and sitting on my reading chair. "I did join a band. Space gorillas."
"What? That's the name? Space--" I couldn't finish up as I burst out laughing.
He threw a pillow at me. "Laugh all you want, at that time it made much sense."
I stopped laughing, trying to keep a tight face. "So what happened to Space Gorillas?"
"We broke up. Our drummer left and I was already thinking of leaving too. I guess it wasn't really my thing." He says.
"I'm surprised the horrible name was the cause." I said choking on my laughter.
"Oh come on, there's Attic Monkeys and Chainsmokers."
"What are those?"
He sat up straight, "You don't know the Attic Monkeys?"
I shrugged, "I'm not really into music."
"Only you Sammy, only you." He mused shaking his head in either amusement or disappointment.
Silence feel between for seconds before I broke it. "So what's your thing now?" I couldn't help it, I was so curious. And he knew mine, its only fair I knew his too.
Elijah looked up at me, his bright brown eyes holding a smile. "I have none now. I really don't know what I want to do with my life, in every aspect. I'm confused and," he sighed running a hand through his hair. "I'm just going with the flow, whatever happens, happens."
I nodded in understanding, "It's okay Elijah, its okay to be confused and not know. You don't need to know everything now."
He smiled, "and as usual, Sammy says the perfect things. How do you do it, you should tell me your secret."
"Um, wear your pants and shirt, inside out and go to school." I said.
His mouth dropped, "did you do that?"
I chuckled nodding. "Yea, sophomore year. I was mad and angry and the pants just had to be waistband. Epic humiliation."
Elijah burst out laughing. "Like I said, only you Sammy."
Silence fell between us again and this time it was Elijah who broke it.
"I missed you Sammy."
I looked at him and frowned when I saw his glossy eyes. He looked so genuine. So truthful. I turned away shaking my head.
"Some lying Elijah, its unlike you."
He got off the chair, "I'm not lying Sammy, I can't."
"Lies. Just stop okay. How do you expect me to believe that? I'm not mad that you didn't. Just don't lie." I said getting irritated.
He sat on the bed, "Sammy..."
"You didn't write." I gritted. "You said you were going to. As soon as you were settled down, Elijah. You said you'd write. But you didn't, not one single letter, not one single call. Six years. How the fuck do you expect me to believe you?"
He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. I'm very sorry Sammy. Very very. Let me make it up to you."
I looked at him unbelievably. "You're not going to give an excuse?"
He shook his head, making his long black hair fall and almost cover his eyes. "No. No excuses. I was wrong. I was a jerk and nothing, Nothing can excuse what I might have made you go through."
"I didn't go through anything." I said turning away, "Just disappointment but I got over it. I mean you're not the only best friend I have."
"Really, how many then?"
I looked at him and I expected to see a teasing look but he looked serious. Damn serious. I fought a smile, "My mum. She's pretty amazing. You'd be surprised how good she is at football and hide and seek."
That finally cracked a smile out of him. I was relieved to see it. Happy even.
"I'm sorry Sammy. Let me make up for it."
"How?" I asked.
He reached for my hand, holding my long lean fingers. "By being the best friend you can ever wish for."
I chuckled, "You can't measure up."
His eyes glinted, "Try me."
I smirked, "and what if I don't need a best friend?"
"Then a lover?"
My heart skipped and I turned to him eye wide. What does he mean?
He chuckled. "Kidding, you've gone paler."
I sighed, "don't joke with me." Then I ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm down. He's joking, I should be too. I smirked, "and even though, you can't measure up either."
His eyes glinted again but he didn't say anything. "A brother?"
I mock choked, "I forbid that. I can't have a brother like you, I'll disown him."
He gasped, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"That you almost don't fit?"
He placed a free hand on his chest and that's when I realized my hand was still in his. Then he shrugged. "True. I can't have a brother as pale as you. Have you even, ever seen the beach? Or at least the sun?"
I gasped, "You're an asshole."
He smirked, "I'm a jerk."
"That too."
"The most annoying creature ever."
"That too."
"Your best and only friend."
That too.
Le sigh. I love them. How's this chapter? Steamy enough?

To Love Him | ✔
Short StoryHR-19SS | Sammy Walcott is the loner boy. The boy with scars and bruises. The quiet lacrosse boy. Sammy doesn't have a problem being alone and everybody has come to know and respect this. That's until Elijah Gracia comes back to town. Being alone i...