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Sammy Walcott

As usual, as if nothing has changed, the kettle woke me up. But something has changed. A lot of things.

"Yep, now I know your Christmas gift. A new kettle." Elijah groaned rolling over.

"Dude you're naked." I exclaimed covering my eyes and laughing. "You've got butt cheek dimples, that's disgusting." No cute, but he already has enough ego.

"Say that again and I'm gonna dance Hula naked." He threatened, pulling on his shorts.

"It's cute. Beautiful, the most amazing thing I've ever set eyes on." I rushed out sitting up in horror.

He laughed then leaned down to kiss me. "Good morning."

I smacked my lips together. "You taste weird."

"Hmm," he licked his lips, then smirked. "Oh yeah, that's you on my lips."

"Me on your–" I started confused until I realized what he meant by me. "Oh my God!"

Elijah burst out laughing then clamped his hand over his mouth as he opened the door. "See you later handsome."

"Get out." I whispered back shooing him out and I falling back to the pillow with a content sigh and smile. I got off the bed, finding my own boker and going to stand in the front of my mirror.

I've added some flesh or muscles. I've added something. My tousled hair looked as horrible as usual but my face was alright. No black eye, no bags underneath and no red anything. No bruises around my body, they've all healed. Well, except for a few hickeys here and there.

My eyes didn't look sad and drooping. In fact they didn't look like my eyes at all. The blue eyes staring back at me were practically glowing. Might have been the aftermath of an amazing sleepless night with Elijah.

I blushed. Well whatever it was, the Sammy staring back at me sure looked happy like the old Sammy. The little hyperactive kid with a single mother. I smiled and I literally saw that kid.

"Hello Sam, how are you?" I asked my reflection.

"Me? Oh I'm great. You?"

"Never been better. You look great." I complimented.

My reflection aka me winked, rubbing my chin. "As always man."

I laugh at my childishness and hurry into the bathroom. When I'm done, I pull on some dark jeans, dark blue t-shirt and a zip up jacket over it. But I don't zip the jacket over. Tradition. I skip down the stairs, jumping over the last three.

"Morning mum." I greet, placing a smack kiss on her cheek.

"Mhmm someone is happy." Mum mused passing me my mug of coffee.

"Yeah mum, I just feel-" I inhale deeply, then exhale with a smile. "-great."


"Sure why not."

Mum passes the waffles and sits watching me eat. She has this look on her face and I raise my brow at her and she finally speaks. "So, Elijah."

I choked on my waffles, looking up at mum and wiping my lips. "Yea?"

"He's been coming around often." She said, "saw him leave this morning."

"Yeah... School project." I lied not meeting her eyes.

"Hmm." She nodded. "I saw you guys go up last night, seemed really close."

Oh fuck.

I dropped the fork and turned to her. "Yeah mum about that— we're-- We're more than best friends."

"You're gay?" She asked like that's the last thing she ever thought she'd ask me. Like it pained her to.

I bit the insides of my cheek nervously, then nodded. "Yes, I'm gay."

She heavily exhaled closing her eyes. "Woah, Sammy I never thought--"

"I know. I know, me too. But that's how it is and it's no one's fault. I'm gay and I love it." I said holding her hand.

She shook her head releasing her hand, "You love him." She corrected and I nodded looking at the hands that were no more holding mine.

She got off the stool walking around the kitchen. "I was up all night thinking about what I saw. I've always envisioned you bringing a pretty girl home as your girlfriend."

"Its a pretty boy, not much difference."

She smiled returning back to the seat and holding my hand again. I sighed in relief. " Sammy I've never seen you this happy as you've been the last week. I've deprived you of so much, I can't ever pay back." She sighed, "its a bit hard but if it Elijah you want, then fine."

I grin broadly and hug her with all might. "Thanks mum, I love you."

"As long as I don't need to worry about Pregnancy, I'm good." She added and we laughed together, sincerely for the first time in forever.

I packed some waffles for Elijah and ran out minutes later. As usual he was waiting for me by the side of his Ferrari.


"Hi." I stood looking at him with a smile. And he raised a brow. I felt so happy like a 10 year old. "Told mum about us."


"She's okay with it. Was reluctant but, she's cool."

Elijah hugged me and I laughed hugging him back. "Public display of affection dude."

"Sorry," He says releasing me but keeps looking at me like he has more to say.


My question breaks the trance and he blinking. "Nothing, I'm just happy. Let's go."



"Sammy did you solve the problem with the girl you like?" Crystal asked as soon as I shut my locker.

"Yep, we got a thing going on now." I said.

She smiled, "lucky girl then "

"I think you mean lucky guy." I said just before I winked and walked away. I was gonna let her keep thinking it's a girl but it just didn't feel right.

Lacrosse practice was horrible again and girls kept flocking around my Elijah. They didn't seem to understand no and my glare wasn't working. What's with them?

"Sammy that's a lacrosse stick not a sword. Don't hold it so tightly " Coach advised.

My knuckles were white and my jaw ached from the tight frown. "Yes, coach."

I glared at the girls ones more, guess I'll have to send a stronger message that even idiots can understand.

Immediately after practice I walked straight to Elijah and kissed him. Full on the lips, out here, in front of everyone. Elijah was shocked and just stared at me. He has always wanted to go public, I was the one refusing all this while.

"See you at the parking lot babe?" I asked not waiting for his answer as I walked away.

Take that, suckers.





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