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Sammy Walcott

"Two points home!"

I swing my stick around with a smirk. Everybody on our side of the bleachers all get up cheering and I'm able to find Elijah. He's trying to cheer and keep the rain out of his face, its adorable.

"Nice one Dave, nice one!" Coach shouts, then raises his thumbs at me too. I made the pass to Dave, he scored.

Dave nudges his head at me. I roll my eyes at his way of saying thanks. Thankfully the game's over, our school winning with over six points. I watch as some big guy from the other team pushes a team mate to the ground, towering over the thin boy like a gorilla.

"What? Just because you won now you think you're king? Eh Stinky?" The gorilla asked, other guys were watching but too chicken to do anything about it.

I sighed going over to them and stretching my hand over to the guy on the ground. He shakily takes it, stands up, murmurs a thank you and runs off. I about to follow suit when the gorilla lays his hand on me.

"What's your problem dude?!"

I glare at his hand on my shoulder, then gently shrugs it off. "Pick on someone your own size or at least the people responsible for us winning." I nudged my head at Dave and his eyes widened in fear immediately.

The gorilla pulled off his helmet showing that he's truly a gorilla. "How about I pick on you?"

"Bad idea man. Just go home."

Then he shoved me. Thankfully I didn't fall, just moved back. I glared at him, my fist tightening on the lacrosse stick. I took a step forward but unfortunately Coach was already in between us, talking to the gorilla.

"Hey," Elijah said behind me, a hand resting on my shoulder. I sighed turning to him. "Cool game Sammy, you deserve a medal."

"I know right?" I boasted picking up a ball and aiming it at gorilla.


"Sshhh." I threw the ball and watched in satisfaction as it hit the gorillas head with a loud thump. I burst out laughing, making sure he knows that it me that hit him. Gorilla glares and does the universal sign of I'm watching you before leaving.

"You best stay away from me, I've looked for trouble." I warned Elijah as we walked back into the school.

"You can't help it can you?" I shrugged in response. "Well now I have more reasons to stick around."

"Whatever, I won't save your ass when trouble comes." I say to him opening up the locker room and going in.

"Look who's talking. I can save my and your ass too. Have you seen me?" He asked raising up his well developed biceps and flexing his arms.

I chuckle tearing my eyes away from him. "Get out, this is the locker room."

"Yup and I'm allowed in." He says taking a seat and wiggling his brows at me.

I bite my lip watching him, suddenly I don't feel like changing anymore. Every other person was changing comfortably, not minding him at all. My clothes were sticky and whether I wanted or not, I had to change. I didn't need a bath, it was still raining heavily outside. I shrugged deciding to ignore Elijah, which is a lot harder than I thought.

I pulled off my clothes and I could feel his eyes on me. Its not the first time I'm being watched, boys watched each other in here a lot but this is the first time I'm self conscious about my body and this is the first time I actually find myself blushing.

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